Next meeting
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Global Rotaract Alum Club

Monica Morales

Monica Morales is the president for the Global Rotaract Alum club. She will discuss the correlation of Global Rotaract Alum and global Offsite Care Telemedicine. GRA is sponsored by our Rotary Club and represents Rotaract alums from 8 countries who work with Mikel Cook and take telemedicine from Sebastopol around the world.

They meet each year at the Rotary International Convention working together at the telemedicine booth.

Wednesday March 5: Student Awards
Wednesday March 12: Bike Monkey – Gran Fondo

Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).




Giro Bello – July 12, 2025 – An annual tradition and our club’s main fundraiser, this ride is a great way to see beautiful Sonoma County, and is attended by riders from all over the Bay Area, and beyond.

More socials coming soon.

For more details and additional events, see the Announcements section below.

For pictures and descriptions of previous socials and other events click here.

More socials, projects, & events coming soon!

Opening The Meeting

President Casey D’Angelo greeted us, “Welcome to the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa where the Magic of Rotary is alive, we are doing good in our world and having fun!”

Ray Giampaoli led us in the reciting of The Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. For today’s Reflection he had some quotes from Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the Peanuts gang:

“Be yourself. No one can say you’re doing it wrong” Charlie Brown

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon.” Snoopy

“If no one answers the phone, dial louder.” Lucy

“Learn to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.” Linus

Visiting Rotarians:

Mikel Cook for Sebastopol Sunrise


Ananda Sweet (guest speaker), Ilse Lazovick (Richard’s mom), and Chris Maxwell (he is looking for a Rotary home!)

Sunshine Report:

Joan Rossi is out of the hospital after getting cellulitis. She is home recovering.

50/50 Drawing:

Fred Levin was doing a fantastic job asking everyone to contribute today. The pot is up to $90.00 with seven marbles. Bill Hatcher’s number was pulled, but he did not pull the blue marble from the bag. His $10.00 went into the Polio Pail. More money and less marbles next week!

Paul Harris Fellow Award:

Doug Landin presented Rick Allen with a new Paul Harris pin with 3 red stones.  That is level 8! Thank you, Rick, for your dedication to all things Rotary, especially international projects!


  1. The Cloverdale Crab Feed for this month’s SCARC meeting is on Thursday, February 27. We have about 13 from the Club going!
  2. The first Fireside Chat is/was Thursday February 20 at Kim Murphy’s home. Gary Nichols was our only new member to attend. We got a mini craft talk from Gary about his career and family. He got to hear about the infamous martini party (many years ago) and other stories from the past.  It was good fellowship and good fun.  See you all next month at Kim Murphy’s (P.S. we asked Dewayne when he is going to join). Put March 20 on your calendar for the next Fireside Chat.
  3. Dan Balfe announced a world water summit is happening (see the Washrag website There is a Haiti Dinner coming up to support their water project(s)
  4. Sam McMillan says the Elsie Allen FFA Boster dinner will be March 28. See him for tickets. Yes, the school may close, but those kids will still be raising their animals!
  5. Ray Giampaoli announced that the next Wild Game Dinner is in the works. He is heading to Mexico to fish for Yellow Tail for the dinner. It may have an Asian theme this year! Tickets will be $200 per person and the dinner is limited to 12 people. The date of the dinner will be determined.
  6. Our Club is hosting the March 27 SCARC meeting. It will be on fire resilience.
  7. The Rotary East/West Club is holding an All Clubs social on April 4 at the Ferguson Observatory. More information to follow.
  8. District Assembly is April 5 in Ukiah. We would like as many people as possible to go.  If you sign up, pay, and go, you will be reimbursed!  It is a lot of fun!  So much Rotary knowledge to suck up!  We will carpool!
  9. Get those “Book of Why?” delivered as soon as possible! The kids love them!


  1. Rick Allen wanted us to know about one of the International Service Committee attended a Zoom meeting from Zimbabwe on water projects there. For $30,000 they can put in a well that will serve 50,000 people.

Today’s Speaker: Ananda Sweet from the Santa Rosa Metro Chamber of Commerce

Ananda let us know that she participated in Rotary Youth Exchange when she was in high school and spent the school year in Chile. She says that experience has shaped her into the person she is today.

Our Chamber was born out of the 1906 earthquake. Members of the community came together to rebuild our city (many became Rotarians in later years). Frank Doyle was one of them. We all know he is considered the father of the Golden Gate Bridge.

But there is more to our current Chamber of Commerce than mixers and ribbon cuttings.  They worked behind the scenes to build Courthouse Square (even mover their offices to the Square).  Now they work with the community on the Wednesday Night markets, Summers on the Green, Winter Lights and more.

They are active in local politics, the Government Affairs Committee reviews policies, and advocates for the business community. Housing and Workforce Development works on a wide range of issues from affordable childcare to ESL classes. They started the Mike Hauser Academy to get kids involved in STEM programs.  Leadership Santa Rosa is now in their 41 year! Curt Groninga was in class 1.  Kris Anderson, March Burchill, Scott Bartley, and other Rotarians participated in the program.  Steve Olson is one of the founders of LSR. They started YPN to support emerging community leaders/businesspersons.

They support the Downtown District, the Small Business Development Center, and Visit Santa Rosa.

As for questions, one was asked about their annual budget (4 million) and number of employees (18). Anada was asked about the competing proposals for a downtown convention center (they support the idea of a convention center, but don’t have a position on any of the current proposals.

Additional Pictures


DIGITAL EDITION No. 579, February 19, 2025  WRITER: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Rich Rossi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Governor, District 5130

Jim O’Grady DG – 2024 – 2025

Club President

President Casey D’Angelo, 2024 – 2025



Debi Zaft – Club Secretary

Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

Casey D’Angelo – President
Kim Murphy – President Elect
Peter Holewinski – President Elect Nominee
Ann Gospe – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Andrea Geary – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
Rich Rossi – Club Service – Public Image
Heather Thurber – Club Services – Local Service
Kim Murphy – Club Service – Club Administration
Rick Allen – International Service
Mary Graves – Foundation Representative