DIGITAL EDITION No. 162 February 10, 2016 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi
Our Program for February 17th:
On February 17th, the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa will continue its long tradition of recognizing the achievements of an outstanding student from each of our local high schools. The entire meeting will be devoted to this program so that we can fully honor these students in the presence of their family members and peers from the other local high schools. The achievements of these students is always impressive and worthy of recognition. They bring us much needed optimism for the future of our world.
Ryan Thomas will be our Moderator. The principals of all the high schools will also be our guests.
Wednesday, February 24th: “The Peanuts Movie” – a Labor of Love
Wednesday, March 2nd: Keysight Technologies
Wednesday, March 9th: Past Presidents Day
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
All is sunny.

Robby Fouts starting the Marble Raffle once again. Back to the old way of doing it!
9 marbles, $47 in pot. Then he called his own number and donated his $10 consolation prize to the club.
Tony R., Jeanne L., Maria Konkel, Chuck Bartley.
Cathy Vicini.

Julia Parranto warning members of a email scam with Rotary in the subject line
- Rich de Lambert – reminder that Feb. 24th is Bring a Guest to Rotary Day. Program will be Greg Schultz.
- David Brown announced Roy Thylin won the first quarter. Vicky Hardcastle won 2nd. Cecil Humes won the 3rd quarter. 3 cpa’s won the pool!
- Ted Wilmsen asked that those who didn’t give letter to teachers see him after the meeting.
- Debi Zafts’s Rotarian Magazine question – Steve Olsen correctly answered the question.
- 3 SR Rotary clubs will be doing a float at the Rose Parade. Need volunteers.
- Paul Harris club goal is $11,000. We are close – only $1,841 to go. Polio, we need another $2,000. Casey and Tony will give cooking classes to raise $.
- Volunteer Ctr. Human Race May 7th.
- Julia Parranto announced that there is an email fraud being distributed called “be a polio ambassador”. Delete it!
As I ponder where to start a short article to the club, I keep coming back to how blessed I am. At this moment I am not referring to the many luxuries of life, family, health etc.I am thinking about The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa.
Just finished an hour or so reading the weekly bulletins and Board minutes from 1988 to 1990. (Yes, there was a purpose, but that is not relevant to this message). Many in our club now were members then, even 1987/88 President Rich de Lambert.
Through the words penned long ago, I could sense the Rotary passion, care for community & camaraderie. And then I fast forward to today – It still exists; It is there if you want it! Of all the goals I outlined in my first meeting, having FUN is the most important. And why I feel so blessed is because I am having FUN!
This club is filled with great people doing wonderful things. In a short few years since joining I have made friends 🙂 with some awesome people. Don’t miss out, don’t look back and wish you had engaged more. Rotary is many things to many people, but most of all it is FUN if you want to make it so. Make a point to share the FUN with others who are looking for a group like ours.
Thank you all for blessing me so much!
by Steve Olson
When a Rotarian passes away it is common practice for other Rotarians, family and friends to make a memorial contribution to the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation “Legends Fund”. Contributions to the Legacy Fund are invested by the Foundation and the proceeds used for worthy community projects. But how does a collection of memorial gifts become a lasting legacy fund? This question can best be answered by example and that example is the “Wes Jamison Memorial Endowment Fund” administered by the club foundation.
Wes Jamison passed away in 1989 after a lifetime of service to local agriculture and the building of bridges between the farming community and the business community. Following Wes Jamison’s passing, his former students, family, friends and fellow Rotarians contributed approximately $7,000 to his memorial fund. The effort could have ended at this point had it not been for a small group of Rotarians who happened to be former students of Mr. Jamison. This group decided they wanted to create a lasting memorial to Mr. Jamison that would honor his contributions to local agriculture and to the ideals of Rotary. A subcommittee of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation was formed to develop a strategy to grow the “Jamison Fund” and identify the benefactors of the fund. To make a long story short, the Jamison Committee decided to conduct an annual fund raising campaign and award the annual earnings from the fund to the high school agriculture programs within the Santa Rosa City School District.
Where are we today? The Jamison Fund has reached the $90,000 mark and continues to grow each year. The recently completed annual solicitation generated over $6,000 from nearly 40 individual contributors. The majority of these contributors have donated every year since Mr. Jamison passed away. The fund awarded $3,500 in grants this year to Santa Rosa and Elsie Allen High School Agriculture Departments. The students at Elsie Allen have developed a poultry project that will enable them to produce eggs for sale to the local community while the students at Santa Rosa High have strengthened the link between food production, processing and nutrition.
The title of this article is “Memorial Contribution to a Legacy Fund”. The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation provides the vehicle to transition from a memorial fund to a lasting memorial (Legacy) fund. Another example is the John Brown Memorial Veterans Scholarship Fund which supports military veterans attending Santa Rosa Junior College. Anyone interested in establishing a lasting memorial or legacy fund is encouraged to contact the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation. It is never too soon to plant the seeds of a legacy the will live in perpetuity.

Guess who?
Michael Barrington, Rotarian and author of The Bishop Wears No Drawers. The author recounted his time as a missionary in war torn Nigeria in 1980s. Michael noted that priests were trained in secondary occupations. He described his experiences working during the breakout of Biafra from Nigeria. An estimated 5 million children died of starvation in a 3 year period. Most of Mr. Barringtons time was spent describing the extremely interesting people he worked with in Nigeria as well as cultural norms. He shared a story of his near death experience before talking his way out of a tight situation with drunken Nigerian soldiers at the war front by speaking Hausa, their native language. He also described his bout with malaria and his harrowing experience witnessing public executions. Overall, he was an entertaining and interesting game speaker.


Your editor taking notes – no pencil and notebook any more!
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson
I love the fact that my husband shares his Rotary Newsletter with me so I am up-to-date with what this Rotary club is doing. I hope all Rotarians share this newsletter with their spouse or significant other. Make it a family affair.