DIGITAL EDITION No. 155 December 16, 2015 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
The Club will be dark December 23rd
Our Program for December 30th:
Remember when the loveable Ray Dorfman used to run a Trivial Pursuit Game at our last club meeting of the year? We all loved Ray and wish he’d return to us one day. Well he’s gone, so get over it! At our next meeting, at high noon on Wednesday, December 30th Don McMillan, a lawyer of extremely questionable character and dubious honor will be there to take Ray’s place in running this year’s pursuit of useless information. It should be fun anyway and Don has promised to leave his horn in its case……
Be sure to bring $5 to play the game.
Wednesday, December 23rd: Club is dark due to the Christmas holiday
Wednesday, December 30th: Trivia Challenge
Wednesday, January 6th: Minimum Wage Increase January 1st
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Blaine Goodwin led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Ryan Thomas did the invocation. In this case he gave us a little trivia, back ground information on Christmas.
- Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was created for Montgomery Wards.
- Jingle Bells was written with Thanksgiving in mind and the Medford Sleigh Races in Boston, MA
- The 12 Days of Christmas costs about $24,000 in 2014
- Jesus was not born at Christmas. He was probably born sometime between March and November
Mike Johnson was visiting from the Rotary Club of Situate, MA. We thought he might be able to help us translate for President Doug, but he was just not quite fluent enough. Jean Herschede was visiting from the Healdsburg club.
Daniel Whipple from the Salvation Army, Bill Crowley a retired professor (and potential new member!), Bill Kazmar, Stephen Gospe
Jack Abercrombie is home recuperating from pneumonia.
Many thanks to Keven Brown for hosting the social at Corrick’s last week. So much fun!

Ltn. Dan Whipple and Kerrie Chambers
The Bocce Ball Tournament and BBQ will be June 18th
Ginny Cannon thanked all who brought cookies and bought Poinsettias for the Vigil Light Christmas party last week. She had some thank you notes from our guests!
Kerrie Chambers thanked all who participated as a bell ringer. We earned over $6000 which has us in first place with the other service clubs by quite a wide margin!
Julia Parranto needs people to bake cookies for the Nutcracker on Saturday December 19th. If you can, please bring them to her office on Friday.

Ted Wilmsen
President Doug announced that there will be NO MEETING on December 23rd. We WILL be meeting on December 30th and it will be the annual family trivia contest. We are going to miss Ray Dorfman, but Don McMillan will do an excellent job as the emcee. Remember to bring $5.00 for the meeting. The first two tables will be winning some money!
Ted Wilmsen announced that he still needed more people to sign up for delivering the dictionaries next month.
Julia Parranto also announced that she is looking for Giro Bello ridership help. She has a list of 160 new bike clubs that we need to contact. Her team will be meeting in January.
As we were putting out cookies for Santa, I dropped one on the floor and quickly picked it up and put it back on the plate. My son said “No way, Mommy. We have to throw it out!” I said “Well, son, he won’t know the difference.” He replied to me, “He knows if I have been bad or good, but he does not know that we dropped a cookie on the floor?”

Robert Pierce
The raffle pot is now over $600! Robert Pierce’s number was selected. He chose #60, but #13 came up instead. Robert gets $10 and the pot rolls over!
What the heck did we do to get John Poremba to sing Michigan’s fight song?
Tony Roehrick was recognized for his new granddaughter, Indigo!
Mark Burchill was recognized for his appointment to Rotary Fellowship Committee. Only 5 people in the world serve on this committee and he is the representative for North America
Craig Meltzner was recognized for NOT bringing a deli sandwich back to President Doug from Katz Deli in New York. Craig was in New York for a dance convention of sorts.
This is the Rotary database. Everyone in the club should go online and check out their personal page. Make sure everything is correct and add as is needed. Your user name is your email address and the password is your membership number that is on the Rotary Magazine. If you need help, ask Debi Zaft.

Jake Gospe and his new friends
This week’s program was a slide presentation by Jeff and Ann Gospe from their trip to Myanmar last spring. They brought Jake along and you quickly see Jake was the star of the show. The people of Myanmar just loved him! Not to mention that Jake quickly adapted to the culture!
This is a very poor country that has had very little in the way of foreign visitors for over 60 years. Most people are very poor, but are a happy people. Housing varies from region to region based on whatever materials they have to build with. There is a very large part of the population that becomes a monk; a very religious people. They have shrines everywhere and most are just stunning. Jeff, Ann and Jake got to go on a balloon ride over an area that has many, many shrines. Modern conveniences like electricity and modern bathrooms are hit and miss. People live to be about 60 years old and most of the people in the country are under 35 years old.
Looks like a fascinating place to visit!

Balloon Ride over Myanmar

Jeff & Ann meet with Yangon RotaryClub
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson