by Susan Lawlor O'Rourke | Aug 9, 2014 | Bullletins
DIGITAL EDITION No. 88 August 6, 2014 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Shannon McConnell Our Program For August 13th DISTRICT GOVERNOR KEVIN EISENBERG Our speaker this week will be District Governor Kevin Eisenberg. Please plan on attending the entire meeting on...
by Susan Lawlor O'Rourke | Aug 4, 2014 | Bullletins
DIGITAL EDITION No. 87 July 30, 2014 EDITOR: Julia Parranto PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson Our Program For August 6th RICHARD GULSON Polio Survivor and The Voice of the World Pillow Fighting Championships Our speaker this week will be Richard Gulson. Richard is a...
by Susan Lawlor O'Rourke | Jul 26, 2014 | Bullletins
DIGITAL EDITION No. 86 July 23, 2014 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHERS: Nicole Le Our Program For July 30th EVENING TALENT SHOW This week’s meeting is the Talent Show! The meeting time has been changed to 6:00 PM. Come see what talented Rotarians we have in our...
by Susan Lawlor O'Rourke | Jul 19, 2014 | Bullletins
DIGITAL EDITION No. 85 July 16, 2014 EDITOR: David Brown PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kris Anderson Our Program For July 23rd FUNDRAISING EVENTS CONFERENCE Come to the meeting today and find out what has gone on with the Giro Bello and how you can help with The Pillow Fights!...
by Susan Lawlor O'Rourke | Jul 12, 2014 | Bullletins
DIGITAL EDITION No. 84 July 9, 2014 EDITOR: Matt Everson PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kris Anderson Our Program For July 16th WHAT’S NEW IN SOLAR Solar PV is a proven technology, first discovered in the 1830’s and used to power satellites in 1950s. Panel prices have fallen...