DIGITAL EDITION No. 234 August 9, 2017 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For August 16, 2017
Eric Mindling
Known as the most diverse and indigenous region of Mexico, Eric has made this cultural haven his home for more than 25 years. He knows the ins and outs more than most Oaxacans do largely in part due to his extensive travels and exploration of this captivating part of the world.
In this talk Eric will share, through his brilliant award-winning photography, the people…the culture… the beauty…of this vast yet rarely seen part of Southern Mexico.
Wednesday August 16th: Eric Mindling – Discovering Oaxaca
Wednesday August 23th: Club Assembly # 1
Wednesday August 30th: Linda Shivley – Laugh Your Worries Away
Wednesday September 6th: Get Your Next Client – Kristine Carey
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NOTE: Hover your cursor over the pictures to see descriptions.
Opening Ceremonies
President Julia Parranto called the meeting to order with a clang of the bell…..
Pledge: Bob Bratberg
Invocation: Rick Allen spoke to us about generosity and how seeing the generosity of Rotarians has been a positive influence in his life.
Visiting Rotarians
Brandon Uhrich introduced Ron Taylor, SR East, Steve Amend, Sunrise, Jim Masters, Berkeley, K Jenkins from the VOM club, and Ted Athens, Rancho del Chino.
Susan and Audrey Brown, Ellie Galvez-Hard, Ted Hard, Matt Everson, Brazilian exchange student, Giordano Alberto, Utilbrich Vilamoski, Janet Moore
Rich de Lambert reported that Wally is doing better and was hanging out with a pretty nurse. Steve Marbuger’s leg is still hurting, but he has wine to help him ease the pain.
Ray Giampaoli drew a ticket, but only walked away with $10.
Mini Craft Talk
Kathleen Archer introduced us to our own past president, Peggy Sobranis, one of 5 children raised on Chicago’s north side. Peggy learned about charity at a very young age and joined the sisters right out of high school.
Peggy wanted to eliminate poverty. She worked and was inpsired by Hispanic culture while working in Dallas. She became a full time social worker in St.Louis and then back in Texas. At 49, Peggy left the order and she was hired by the Girl Scouts and served there for 17 years before retiring.
Induction Production
Julia and Fred Levin introduced new member Michael Moore, former owner of Discovery Office Systems and his lovely wife, Jan. He was a member of the West Club for 28 years, but finally came to his senses and joined our little group. Welcome Michael and Jan!
Ray G. asked that all former service members identify themselves so they can be honored for their service at appropriate times of the year.
Andrea Geary is still looking for volunteers and participants for the upcoming bocce tourney.
Jackie Mac is looking for ideas for doing another Rotary trip similar to the Turkey trip taken by Rotarians in 2005. A river cruise is being considered.
Yale Abrams asked for people to sign up for hands on projects and sent around a sign up sheet.
Something to share?
Our Brazilian exchange student presented President Julia with a banner from his home sponsor club.
- Sam McMillan talked lambs and hogs. Sam was given a gift certificate for McDonalds.
- Ted Wilmsen worked with his grand daughter learning to ride a bike. It ocurred to Ted to donate $100 for polio.
- Paul Hamilton noticed that Mitch McConnell was speaking to a Rotary Club.
- Jeanne Levin donated $50 in honor of the Seattle Public Library.
- Keven Brown donated $100 to celebrate his recent trip to Colorado.
Club member Matthew Henry was today’s speaker. He was under strict instruction not to ask for money…….
A longtime YMCA president, Matthew is a graduate of Columbia University and also has an MA in Sports Psychology. Matthew came today to talk about the YMCA, its services and the opportunities it presents to community members. While the Y has lots of new equipment, a new spin room and strength equipment, the organization is changing and provides many services. Matthew covered the history of the Y, which started in England as a program for young men. The Y has evolved from humble beginnings and continues to evolve to serve an ever changing world. Notable in the history of the YMCA: James Naismith invented basketball at a Y in 1891 and volleyball was invented 4 years later at a YMCA. All of us have probably experienced a program started at a Y including ESL programs, art programs and many others. The Y is a cause driven non- profit organization. Over $200,000 of financial assistance is given out by the local Y last year. The Y is the largest day care provider in Sonoma County with multiple sites around the county and has a nationally recognized diabetes prevention program. As the YMCA continues to expand its services to the community, they recently purchased the Bekins property north of the current building and are planning to build a new facility to better serve the community.
NOTE: Hover your cursor over the above pictures to see descriptions.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Julia Parranto, President Elect: Tony Roehrick, President Elect Nominee: Cathy Vicini, Past President: Jose Guillen, Secretary: Debi Zaft, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes
President Rotary International
Ian Riseley of the RC of Sandringham, Australia
Governor, District 5130
Bob Rogers, Rotary Club of Sebastopol
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Ray Giampaoli, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi, Laura Held, Peter Holewinski, Steve Baime and Jeff Kolin