DIGITAL EDITION No. 137 August 5, 2015 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le
Our Program for August 12th:

Mike Kelly
Honey Bees are vanishing at an alarming rate. Honey Bee colonies, at one time over 5,000,000 hives in the late 1940’s are now only 2.5 Million. Why is this and WHY do we need “pollinators”? This is because Honey Bees are an essential crop pollinator and part of our food chain. Imagine your grocery store produce section with 80% of the fruits and veggies gone. Without bees and other endangered “pollinators” this will happen. The Alarms Bells must be struck or face the reality of an oncoming “Silent Spring”. Mike Kelly, past president of the Sonoma County Beekeeping Association, will share his expertise and how he got into bees by accident.
Wednesday, August 19th: Rotary Peace Fellow Returns for Part II of the Middle East Today
Wednesday, August 26th: Juvenile Delinquency
Wednesday, September 2nd: Club Assembly
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President Doug was missing today. Did he ask for our permission? NO….but we will cut him a little slack. Former President Dave Brown filled in admirably! Tony Roehrick led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Kim Graves gave us the invocation. She reminded us that “if only” and “what if” have no purpose in our lives.

Ray Dorfman visiting
We had a lot of visitors today some Rotarians, former Rotarians and just regular guests! Dave Del Monte was visiting from New York City. Former member, Jerry Marquis, was visiting from Lake County and Ray Dorfman is up from the Palm Springs area. Penny Miller, Sharon Wright, Kathy Schwartz, Dr Shari, Jeff Kolin, LeeAnn Reuter, Chris Gibson, Matt Davis, Laura Roehrick, Andrea Learned, John Reed, Mary and Katy, and guest speaker AI Maggini.
by Cathy Vicini
A man and his pet duck walk into a bar. It’s about 5pm, but they’re ready for a good night of drinking. They start off slowly, watching TV, drinking beer, eating peanuts. As the night goes on they move to mixed drinks, and then shooters, one after the other.
Finally, the bartender says: “Last call.”
So, the man says, “One more for me… and one more for my duck.”
The bartender sets them up and they shoot them back. Suddenly, the duck falls over dead. The man throws some money on the bar, puts on his coat and starts to leave.
The bartender, yells: “Hey buddy, you can’t just leave that lyin’ there.”
To which the man replies: “That’s not a lion, that’s a duck.”

Blaine Goodwin won tickets to the fair
There were two raffle prizes today. Bill Hatcher’s number was called for the regular drawing. He did not have the correct number so he got $10. The second number pulled was Blaine Goodwin’s and he got two tickets for the Sonoma County Fair.
Kris Anderson was being solicited by a lender in her office only to find out the person she was talking to was Bill Pedersen’s grandson! The young man informed Kris that his grandfather had had a nasty fall and had been briefly hospitalized. He was now home. Boy! How we get our news sometimes!
Dent Thompson is a charter member of the Rotary Club of Bartow County and is vice president of Phoenix Air. What is so special about Phoenix Air? Page 11
Kathy Schwartz
Career Counseling
Sponsored by: Will Haymaker

Blue Badgers Tony Roehrick and Jeff Kolin
Two former members have rejoined the club after having lived in other parts of California. Jeff Kolin retired as city manager for Beverly Hills and Tony Roehrick is back from the central coast in Casey D’Angelo’s old job (and Casey had Diane Moresi’s job). They may not have to go through the red badge initiation, but I think they both need to do a craft talk about their jobs while they were gone. Don’t you think so? Might make for an excellent program! It also lets newer members get to know them. All in favor?

Kathleen Archer
Kathleen Archer was selected as our Rotarian of the Month for the outstanding work she has been doing to put together a grant for microloans in Africa. This is the first time our club has done this and, wow! What a fabulous job Kathleen and the World Community Services Committee has done!
Elizabeth Karbousky announced the joint social with Rotary Means Business for Thursday, August 6th at Kunde Winery. Sounds like we will have a great turn out!
World Community Services committee is meeting next week on Tuesday, August 11th at Rick Allen’s house at 5:00.
Sam McMillan announced that Rotary has bought two lambs and two hogs at the fair. There will be a social this fall to taste the meat and sell the meat to club members …Check your freezer space now!
Steve Olson will be honored at this year’s 4H benefit on August 29th. Sam McMillan is taking reservations for tables. Let him know if you want to go. The event will be at Richard’s Grove and Saralee’s Vineyard.
Jackie McMillan will have Giro Bello t-shirts for sale at next week’s meeting. They will be sold at the club’s cost.
Don McMillan was recognized for going back east for what sounds like an engagement party for their son’s wedding in 2016.
Ray Dorfman may not be in our club any longer, but Former President Dave Brown was not going to let him get away without fining him for something! It is a tradition with those two!
Rich de Lambert’s son is on the fire line with the Rocky Fire in lake County.
Bob Higgs is back from a fishing trip with his son in Alaska.
Robby Fouts is off to Burning Man!
Jack Tolin is out to see a game at every ball park in the United States. He recently went to SFO to board a plane to Texas. However, he was at the wrong airport! He had a very funny story about that discovery and then getting to Oakland in the nick of time.
Guest Speaker: AI Maggini: Living and Sharing La Dolce Vita with Energy and Empathy
Steve Reuter did the introduction of AI Maggini and John Reed. This talk was done in a question and answer format. John asked the questions and AI answered.
AI Maggini is 100 years old and …does not look it! He was born and raised in San Francisco. Italian on his father’s side and Irish on his mother’s side. His grandfather was a major force in the San Francisco Fire Department; his dad was in the produce business. Sadly, his dad died at the age of 39. His mom made sure he and his brothers got a good education, but he did have to drop out of the University of San Francisco during the depression to help out his mom. He went to work as a runner for a brokerage firm. During this time he met Helen Ryan and married her.
He became a pilot and navigator during World War II and flew 35 combat missions in a B-17. After the war he went back into the securities business where he stayed until 4 years ago when he retired at age 96.
Once he had a home, a second home in Squaw Valley and knew he could afford a new car whenever he wanted one, he knew it was time to give back to his community. His mom told him he was put on this earth to help people who could not help themselves. Therefore, the Hanna Boys Center, Santa Rosa Junior College and Santa Rosa Memorial have been three of his most cherished areas of philanthropy. He has raised a considerable amount of money for all three organizations in his life. He has no problem asking for money if it is for a good cause.

John Reed, Steve Reuter, Al Maggini, Andrea Learned, unknown person and Matt Davis
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson