DIGITAL EDITION No. 283 August 29, 2018 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Rotary Club Of Santa Rosa Foundation
Doug Chase, Steve Olsen, Mark Burchill, and Bill Hatcher
“Working together for the betterment of the community!”
The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation and the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa
In 1989, the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa created an independent IRS 501c3 foundation to help raise and distribute funds to address the needs of the local community. In October of this year the club foundation will celebrate its 29th anniversary with an established legacy of support for the clubs community service projects. The September 6th program will highlight the past, present and future of the foundation and its steadfast support of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa.
Wednesday September 12, 2018: Patricia Schaeffer – New Gen Update
Wednesday September 19, 2018: First Responder Resiliency – Sue Ferren
Wednesday September 26, 2018: Trione Annadel Parks Foundation – Dan Stamps
Wednesday October 3, 2018: Dean – SRJC Tech/Economic Dev. – Jerry Miller
Wednesday October 10. 2018: Senator Mike McGuire
Wednesday October 17, 2018: Tony Roehrick – My Rotary Tutorial
Wednesday October 24, 2018: Buck Institute – Dr. Eric Verdin
Jackie says only 3 cabins are left for the 2019 Rhine River Cruise.
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Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Opening Ceremonies
President Tony Roehrick called the meeting to order.
Pledge: Cecil Humes
Reflection: Jeff Kolin
Visiting Rotarians
District Governor Barbara Spangler was our honored guest today.
Ginny reported that Shari Shamsavari’s father passed away. Dan Shell is recovering from a fall at his home.
Wobby’s Waffle
Tim Delaney presented the raffle today with nearl $29 yankee dollars in the pot. Don McMillan pulled the lucky marble, the spinner. Diane Moresi’s ticket was drawn, but she failed to draw the money marble.
Cathy’s Joke
Cathy? Cathy?????? She told a joke. It wasn’t funny, but at least it was short and semi-clean and didn’t embarrass us too much in front of the District Governor……
Tony discussed our collective “why” for being in Rotary. Community, Service, Fellowship are the reasons our club members are in Rotary.
- Pete Lescure passed around a signup sheet for meeting volunteers.
- Matthew Henry announced the YMCA Golf Tournament is September 28th. He needs golfers and volunteers to sell beer. Anybody want to play? Anybody want to drink, ee, I mean SELL beer?
- Karen Ball has quarterly lunch tickets for the 4th quarter.
- Debi Zaft announced we have 8 Instant PH squares left.
- Doug Johnson promoted the 2019 Hamburg Rotary Convention from June 1-5. Register early for discounts and the best hotels
Let’s Help Out A Fellow Rotarian!
- Rich de Lambert is in the process of organizing a fundraising dance to raise money to help our fellow Rotarian in need, Tim Fawcett. As you all know, Tim had a serious accident at his home at Christmas and is still suffering the effects of his injuries. He has run through his insurance, is unable to work and cannot drive. He needs our help. The idea is still in the planning process to be presented to the board, but please hold the date October 12th It will be an evening event with a live band and will be held at the YMCA. We want to raise as much money as possible to help Tim get through this difficult time. More details to come.
- Tony auctioned Will’s Big Kahuna hat for $20 to Steve M.
- Shari Shamsavari donated $1,000 to the foundation in her father’s memory.
- Pete l. Donated $50 each to fire relief and the foundation in celebration of his romantic weekend at Benbow Inn.
- Rio Ray celebrated parents liberation day for $10. Bill Rousseau $10 for his way cool exotic island vacation.
- Rich de Lambert is on a weekend Broadway type musical sojourn.
- Mark Burchill celebrated giving his winning ticket to Don last week.
- Tony celebrated his granddaughter’s recovery from surgery.
Doug Johnson introduced DG Governor Barb Spangler. Doug described her as genuine, committed and caring. From Doug’s experience working with Barb, she is a skilled collaborator and team player.
Barbara thanked the club for all we did last year, especially after the fires, representing Rotary proudly in helping our community. While this year’s Rotary International theme is “Be the Inspiration”, Barb’s District theme is “Do What Matters”.
As a way to recognize our own inspiration, DG Barb had us fill out a 4 question
card asking: Who has inspired you? Who were they? How do we implement that inspiration and how can it be utilized in Rotary?
Barbara asked volunteers to share some of their inspirations. Several club members shared memories of those who inspired them and in what way. Barbara suggested sending the card with a “thank you” to your inspiration.
Rotary president Barry Rassin is from the Bahamas and his “Be the Inspiration” banner features a logo with a powerful wave, inspired by his native land that is surrounded by water. Also included on the banner is a stylized heart design. The wave and heart.
Barbara asked each club to increase your focus, strengthen your club, share what you do with the outside world, in this way hoping we can inspire more people to be Rotarians. Barbara encourages each club to share what they do with her so that she can use that information to help other clubs. She also encouraged us to ask for her help when needed. DG Barb then gave Tony the framed “Word Cloud” which shows all the words Rotarians use to describe their reason for being in Rotary.
DG Barb announced that The District Conference next May will be at the Peppermill in Reno. It will be a shared conference with 3 other districts which allows for better speakers. Former San Francisco Giant pitcher Dave Dravecky will be the keynote speaker, sharing his inspiring story. We hope to have 1,000 people in attendance. Events include a golf tourney, walk around the lake, and a karaoke sing off.
President Tony thanked the following club members who helped make today’s meeting a success:
Pledge: Cecil Humes
Reflection: Jeff Kolin
Greeters: Layne Bowen & Cathy Vicini
Raffle: Tim Delaney
Lunch check-in: Nona Lucas
Lunch Ticket Collection: Dr. Casey Carter
Visiting Rotarians: Larry Miyano
A Message From Past District Governor Bob Rogers
“Rotary…Where Dreams Take Flight.” Hello District 5130 Rotarians…Past District Governor Bob Rogers here following up on the “Ideation” process begun at our District Conference this past May. We promised to get you all the ideas that came from those incredible sessions. We hope these will become “sparks” toward new efforts and initiatives to address these club, community and beyond issues. Our plan is to issue them at the rate of two per month. With this email, we are starting the process with the first two, Educating Children to be Better Citizens and Attracting New Members for Clubs, by including them as attachments. I think you’ll find plenty of new ideas for both challenges in these documents, particularly for your youth related Committees and your Membership Committee members.
Some history for those who could not attend. We sent out a survey to all Rotarians last December, where we took your responses and picked the top 8 challenges we, as Rotarians, should focus on at the District Conference’s brainstorming “Ideation” Sessions.
Here they are in their order of ranking and the dates we’re “releasing” the results in the months ahead (Please note: All of the results will be posted on the website).
1. Educating children to be better citizens
2. Attracting new members for clubs
3. Rotary’s relevance in the future
4. Access to education in the developing world
5. Disaster preparedness and response
6. Homelessness
7. Developing and sustaining vibrant communities
8. Female rights in the developing world
These Conference Theme quotes above are what the Conference was all about. Rotarians, In-bound and Out-bound Youth Exchange Students, Rotaractors, and Rotex Members all collaborated together in this process. Join in, take these ideas and make them fly!
Yours in Rotary,
ATTRACTING NEW MEMBERS FOR CLUBS Q & A’s Danielle Lallement Developing Ethical Behaviors Q & A’s
Developing Ethical Behaviors Q & A’s
Governor, District 5130
Barb Spangler, Valley of the Moon Rotary Club
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Club Service I, Membership, Ryan Thomas
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Jeff Kolin
Club Service III, Fundraising, Steve Baime
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Brandon Urich
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Andrea Geary
Community Service II, Youth, Laura Held
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Peter Holewinski