No. 140       August 26, 2015        EDITOR: Dave Brown        PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson

Our Program for September 2nd:




Wednesday, September 9th: A Tale of Two Cities
Wednesday, September 16th: USGS Fault Lines, Aquifer
Wednesday, September 23rd: Art Trails 2015


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Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness


President Doug brought the meeting to order

Paul Hamilton led us in the pledge

Robbie Fouts shared a humorous opening thought which concluded with the message that every man’s reach should exceed its grasp.


Michael Moore from the West Santa Rosa Club was introduced. It was Michael who hired our esteemed President back in 1988. Thanks Mike…we think?!


Jack Tolin introduced Rich Horner. Rich is a past member of our club and was Rotarian of the year in 1998.

Joe Gillian introduced our speaker of the day Judge Allan Hardcastle and Judge Kenneth Gnoss


Eileen Carlisle reported that member Bill Pedersen was back today after suffering a fall and that Julia Parranto’s dad was in the hospital in Minnesota.


Cathy Vicini shared a story about and old rancher and the authority that had something to do about showing a badge and being chased by a bull….funny stuff!!

Ted Wilmsen

Ted Wilmsen


Raffle master for the day Ted Wilmsen also had his ticket pulled…ummmm. Under the new format he selected number 1 for the pot and came up short. The winning number was 46 which will be out of the running next week. Ted took home the $10 consolation prize.


Jeff Gospe shared with the group the article that was written be the PD’s Chris Smith about last week’s Afghanistan program. Apparently the authorities in Afghanistan received word of the Rotary presentation so that has put “Aimil” and his wife under protection.

Yale Abrams and Mike Kallhoff announce that we are planning our next “hands on project” and describes some of the choices we have. A sign up list will be circulated during the meeting.

President Doug reminded the club of the special 4H dinner this weekend honoring our own Steve Olson

David Brown announced that the YMCA’s annual golf tournament will be Friday October 16th at Windsor and the “Rotary Cup” that goes to the winning Rotary team.

This Sunday August 30 is our next social at the home of Nicole Le. This event is for the whole family from 11 am to 2pm. Bring Appetizers, desserts and drinks.

Wine tasting at the home of Mark BurchIll on September 14th.


Board meeting Tuesday September 1

Club assembly next week

Our club will be hosting the October 29th SCARC meeting.

September 30 will be the screening of “What Tomorrow Brings” at the Scottish Rites Hall (600 Acacia Lane) film about the work being done to provide education for young women in Afghanistan. Email Doug at [email protected] to reserve seat.

Ted Wilmsen

President Doug, Kathy Schawrtz and Will Haymaker


Past Pres and new member sponsor Will Haymaker escorted Kathy Schwartz to the stage. President Doug welcomed her as our newest member and presented her with her badge. Kathy is a Career Counselor and enjoys hiking, gardening, cooking, traveling, and has volunteered at the Giro Bello. Welcome aboard Kathy!


The Treasurer indicates that several members have yet to pay their semi-annual dues for the July to December period.

Please take care of this now.


We have an I.O.U. for lunch from our meeting at St. Rose. Please settle this debt now.


All of Doug’s suspects were no-shows today so he asked for confessions:

Diane Moresi shared that her oldest child has just turned 40. Of course Diane must have been a teenage bride! She donated $100 to her Paul Harris

Jeff Gospe announced that this is he and Ann’s 8th anniversary and he donated $100. They met through Rotary connections…no here!

Julia Parranto had lots to celebrate. All of her kids had landmarks at school and 20 years ago she and Rose became a couple. She donated $100 to the club!

Steve Olson shared a story about 3 piggy banks that he brought home from the Sydney Rotary International convention and between him and 2 set of grandchildren filled them up to support rotary’s efforts to eradicate Polio. The banks are filled and he is donating $100 to that cause.

Finally….President Doug asked Ginny Cannon to stand up. Ginny works in the world of wine promotions and as she was responding to Doug, Cathy Vicini chirped in the when her wine tasting room opened, Ginny donated the wine glasses. Ginny has been in the biz for 21 years and for the nice recognition donated $25 to the club.


Looks like all the squared have been sold for next week’s drawing for the “instant Paul Harris” If you haven’t paid your $10 per square please do so next week to Cecil Humes or Jack Abercrombie. And good Luck!


Judge Alan Hardcastle

Judge Alan Hardcastle

President Elect Jose Guillen introduced our speaker for the day Judge Alan Hardcastle. Judge Hardcastle has been a judge in Sonoma County since 1997. He has been presiding over Juvenile court since 2003. He has served as the President of the California Judges Association, is a member of the Judicial Council, served as a military judge and has received many honors. He is married to Santa Rosa Rotary club member Vickie Hardcastle and is the proud father of 2 adult children.

He shared his passion for working in the field of Juvenile justice system reminding himself daily that these are children. He shared a quote from Socrates about the troubled teenagers in our world demonstrating that teens haven’t really changed that much over the course of history. The good news and the bad news is that since 2006 the amount of arrests have gone down significantly but the seriousness of the crimes is worse. Most of the crimes are now gang related and in order to do anything about changing this we need to get into the grammar schools because that is when the relationship with gangs begins.

Juvenile court is a civil court. An offender either admits or denies the offense and there is no jury trial. Most cases are heard and completed within 30 days. There is no punishment but rather rehabilitation. Today there are only 2 places that house juveniles, one in Stockton and the other in Ventura.

Judge Hardcastle shared 2 real stories describing in detail how some young people grow up without any positive role models and with some guidance and support can truly turn their live around.


Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers

President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary

President Rotary International

K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka

Governor, District 5130

Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise

Attendance Secretary

Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770

Board of Directors

Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson