DIGITAL EDITION No. 90 August 14, 2014 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Shannon McConnell
Our Program For August 27th
September 3: Energy Choices in Sonoma County
September 10: Club Fellowship
September 17: Chop’s Teen Club
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Vickie Hardcastle giving a great invocation inspired by Robin Williams quotes
President Mark Burchill rang the bell and the pledge was led by Bart Eddy. Vickie Hardcastle provided the invocation.
Steve Reuter handled the Visiting Rotarian duties and only one Rotarian signed in – website manager Eric Cleave from Glen Ellen.
Guests of Rotarians included:
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- Marrianne McBride from Council on Aging, today’s guest speaker
- Rick Santorini of the City of Santa Rosa was a guest of Peter Holewinski
- Paul Pastorino of the Business Journal was a guest of Carmen Sinigiani
- Joe Murray of the Salvation Army was a guest of Blaine Goodwin
- Emily Harrington of Summit State Bank was a guest of Cecil Humes
Not so sunny today. Penny Tibbetts reported that former member Judith Hall passed away on Tuesday, August 5th. Funeral arrangements are still pending.
Debi Zaft was the secret greeter today. She recognized Ted Wilmsen because he gave her a hug. Ok, Red, this sets a dangerous precedent – You can expect many, many hugs from male club members claiming it’s because of the off chance they’ll win something. Remember, you asked for it! J
Jane Duggan took advantage of her minute to describe her career and talents as a commercial realtor. She recently handled the sale on a property at the corner of Guerneville and Stony Point Rd. She has 37 years of experience and is capable of handling your commercial real estate needs!

Mike Kallhoff receiving his blue badge
Mike Kallhoff finally traded his red badge for a blue one. Along with the blue badge, Mike received a two dollar bill (Rotary Bux). Mike said held on to his red badge a little longer because it matched his stylish red tie and Dr. Seuss socks….
Ryan Thomas presided over the raffle and a heated question and answer session followed with Karen Ball walking away the winner because she knew how many volts are in a car battery (12v). Her competitor could not answer “what body part is a lunula?” The geldings at my table couldn’t answer it either and determined it must be some female body part since we’d never heard of it.
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- Don McMillan applauded our club for its response when he asked for volunteers for the Pillow Fights. Don is still in need of a few volunteers and asked if there were 4 people interested in passing out information at the BR Cohn concert series. Two hands quickly shot up.
- Yale Abrams saluted those members who volunteered last weekend at the Redwood Empire Food Bank.
- Wayne Rowlands also announced that lots of flyers and business cards for the Pillow Fight fundraiser are available for Rotarians to pass out to promote the event. Wayne stated that the Facebook page now has over 12,000 “likes”.
- President Mark reminded us that there is always a schedule on each table of upcoming Rotary events.
- John McHugh reminded us that the Legacy Committee is still working on a signature project. It has been determined that it will involve more than one club and will be a project that serves youth.
- An auction was held for tickets to the Elsie Allen Ag fundraiser and resulted in a heated bidding match between Kathleen Archer and Penny Tibbetts, which Penny won with her $90.00 bid.
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Wally Lowry showing off his great suspenders and earning $2 Rotary Bux
Kris Anderson was recognized for her 10 day excursion to the Garden Island of Kauai.
- Cecil Humes knows how to hang on to a job. His office just celebrated his 50 years at Linkenheimer.
- Jeff and Anne Gospe celebrated Jeff getting to Rotary first this day. Actually, they celebrated 7 years of marital bliss (thanks Rotary Club for making this possible) and I think they were also celebrating sending their youngest to kindergarten.
- Things have been slow at work for Don McMillan. He has taken on a 2nd job as a janitor and was photographed picking up trash at a fundraiser. He was wearing a sign saying, “will work for minimum wage”.
- Kim Murphy was recognized for her colorful scarf – not nearly as colorful as her personality, though!
- Wally Lowry was today’s winner hands down for colorful dress with his flaming suspenders.
- Mike Kallhoff is always a sartorial dark horse, though with the colorful ties and socks.
Birthday empress Elizabeth Karbousky presided over the birthdays for August . Apparently, November is a busy month because there were ALOT of August birthdays! David Brown, Rich de Lambert, Tim Delaney, Jack Geary, Vickie Hardcastle, Bill Hatcher, Frank Hodges, Darrell Horn, Lena Humber, Shannon McConnell, Sam McMillan, Joy Parker, Bill Pedersen, Chip Rawson, Sam Saunders, and Jack Tolin.

Some of the August birthday honorees

Our speaker Marrianne McBride, Prez & CEO of Council on Aging
Shannon McConnell introduced today’s speaker, Marrianne McBride from The Council on Aging. Marrianne gave an informative and very interesting presentation on the many varied services provided by the Council on Aging. She shared that Meals on Wheels not only provides meals to seniors and the infirmed, but also provides human contact to those who have few or no family and friends. The huge kitchen also raises money by creating selling packaged meals called “Stage” Gourmet to Go which are nutritious dishes sold in G&G, Pacific Market, and Fairfax Market. Another exciting development is that John Ash will put his name on a new signature line of food offerings, teaching the chefs at the Council on Aging kitchens the new recipes.
Other services she described include financial counselling, dining adult day care services at four locations, senior peer support, care management, legal services and nutritional services. The Family Justice Center also helps as an elder advocate for victims of domestic violence and financial abuse.
Marrianne described how a young employee in her office was given the task to come up with a new fundraiser. The young person returned with the idea of The Wine Country Games, a senior games modeled after a similar event in Utah. The positive message that seniors can be active and healthy in their later years is promoted through this event.
Mark thanks the following Rotarians for their help at today’s meeting:
Lunch Sales: Kim Murphy, Chip Rawson
Lunch ticket taker: Steve Marbuger
Greeters: Ted WImsen, Matt Everson
Raffle: Ryan Thomas
Microphone jockeys: Cathy Vicini
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Doug Johnson, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini