Next meeting
Wednesday August 24, 2022
Consumer Affair Issues
Deputy District Attorney
Caroline Fowler
PLEASE NOTE: In-Person & Zoom meetings returned! Please register.
–> Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid. Use this link to pay. CLICK HERE!
Wednesday August 31st: Former Hobo, on riding the rails and his latest novel
Wednesday September 7: Santa Rosa Police Chief John Cregan
Wednesday September 14: DG Jennifer Strong
Wednesday September 21: Farm To Pantry
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
SCARC – Dinner August 25th
Deadline to RSVP is August 19
(Click image below for details)
Celebrating the life of
Larry Miyano
Sunday October 9, 2022, 2pm
(Click image below for details)
Keep checking back. New socials coming soon!
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Watch The Meeting: Did you miss the meeting? Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click here for recording )
Please note it is only available to view until: 8/27/22
Opening Ceremonies:
President Kris greeted us and Julia Parranto led us in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Her reflection was on friendship. She joined Rotary to make new friends. As has been cited by numerous people, “friend” is a noun, but friendship, being a friend, is really a verb. Being a friend is something that you must work at. It is one of the five core values of Rotary (the others being leadership, integrity, diversity, and service). So, be a friend.
Visiting Rotarians:
Tom Boylan from the Rotary Club of Windsor and will be District Governor for 2023-2024
Kathleen Balfe, Tim Campbell (son of Bruce and Helaine Campbell), Frank Chong, Laura Stephens (who has applied for membership). It is her son, Marcus Stephens that is our Youth Exchange student who is now in Germany!
Sunshine Report:
Sam Woods, a member from 1965 to 2007 passed away. His father, Babe Woods, was a member of our club too. We had a moment of silence on his passing. On a lighter note, Mary Graves is still testing positive for Covid, but is doing OK. Please put on your calendars, should you choose to attend, Larry Miyano’s memorial will be October 2 at Sally Tomatoes. Past District Governor Bruce Campbell’s memorial will be October 16 at the same location.
Raffle and Second Chance Drawing:
Today we had seven marbles and $56.00 in the pot. Dan Balfe had the ticket….and he won! Sam McMillan got to draw for the second prize drawing, and he took a Lottery Scratcher. It was not a winner.
- SCARC (Sonoma County Area Rotary Clubs) is next week on August 25, and we are hosting it. The cost is $50.00. The program will be the latest on our district support for Ukraine. Please let Debi Zaft that you are going ASAP.
- The next Redwood Empire Food Bank bagging will be Wednesday, September 14
- Rotary Squares are 47% sold. The squares cost $10.00 each. When all the squares are purchased, we will have our drawing for an instant Paul Harris Award. There will be other prizes, so purchase a few and you will also be helping the administration budget!
- District Governor visit is September 14. This will not be your normal DG visit. Please come and join in the fun! I do need a few of you to “Tell Your Rotary Story.” What was that moment, event where you just knew you belonged. We will have a raffle on a basket coming from the Healdsburg Sunrise Club. The kicker here is that if you will the raffle your money goes to your Paul Harris and DG Jennifer Strong is going to match it!
- October 8 is the Rotary Foundation South Barbeque. We do not have any more information on it now, but you can put it on your calendar.
- While we have dates…. District Conference will be May 4-6, 2023, and it will be at the newly reopened Konocti Harbor Resort.
- Ray Giampaoli still has Giro Bello shirts, especially men’s large and extra-large. We are also looking for a ride director chairperson. Please note that Matthew Henry will be your consultant so do not be afraid to do the job!
Ann and Jeff Gospe just celebrated 15 years of wedded bliss and donated $100.00 to Polio Plus.
Karen Ball participated in the local BNI (Business Networking Inc.) last weekend with her club’s band Referral Revolution and won first place, so she donated $100.00 to the club.
This week Dan Balfe brought two lovely wine glasses and a book from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Some serious bidding and Craig Meltzner got them for $60.00. Thanks Craig!
Rotary Youth Exchange
Our outbound exchange student, Marcus Stephens with his host family in Germany.
Today we had Frank Chong, the President of the Santa Rosa Junior College to give us an update on our local school. When Covid raised its ugly head in Sonoma County the school enrollment dropped quickly. Only 12% of the classes were attended in person ins summer 2021. Today they are 60% in person. It is not likely that they will ever go back to 100% due to the composition of students. 2/3rds are part time, 1/3rd full time. The average age of their students is 28 years old. That is the opposite from just a few years ago. Zoom classes are convenient for students that are busy with work, childcare of have a longer commute. However, all their services are in person. With funding that they receive the have a new ethnic studies program. They have expanded the firefighting program. They have a new department at the Petaluma campus for construction trade studies. Also, in Petaluma there is a fashion studies and a vet tech program. More courses are now available a Shone Farm (on Steve Olson Drive). The Doyle Scholarship program is now available for part time students. Emergency grants have been given to funded to get students through the rough times we have had for the last two years. There is a scholarship for black students. Fresh produce and pantry foods have been distributed to students with their partnership with the REFB. They are leveraging community and grant support to do big projects. As for the demographics of the students; in 2012, 25% of the students was Hispanic before the pandemic. Now they are 43%. Measure H funding has helped in renovating the Burbank Auditorium. The Kunde building is a zero-energy building and holds the math department now but will have the English as a second language in the future. Renovated welcome center in Petaluma and added a science lab so students do not have to travel to Santa Rosa for classes. The Olympic pool and stadium improvements as part of the KAD project. New student housing is under construction at Elliott Avenue to hold 350 students will be completed in August 2023. He ended his presentation with the “I Belong” video.
Club Job Openings:
Still need a few bulletin writers. Need a person on the board for Vocational Service Recognition
Program Slides
Click on image to view Program Slides
Additional Pictures:
(Click on image to view additional meeting pictures)
NEW – Obie’s Adventures
Obie took a break and stayed home this week
Governor, District 5130
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kris Anderson – President
Ann Gospe – President Elect
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect Nominee
Ray Giampaoli – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
Andrea Geary – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbons – Club Services – Member Activities
Pete Lescure – Club Service – Records and Outreach
Casey Carter – Member Involvement
Mary Graves Community – Service – Youth
Position open – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative
DIGITAL EDITION No. 469 August 17, 2022 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick