DIGITAL EDITION No. 187 August 10, 2016 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Diiane Moresi
Our Program for August 17th:
President Jose will facilitate our Club Assembly. He will highlight our club’s various programs, budget, and committees. This will allow our members to join more committees and help our club accomplish its goals, while serving humanity.
Wednesday, August 24th: Trekking the Appalachian Trail for Polio
Wednesday, August 31st: Laguna de Santa Rosa
Wednesday, September 7th: 9/11 Fifteen Years Later
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
PLEDGE: Carolyn Fassi INVOCATION: Ted Wilmsen

President Jose presenting the Club’s flag to visitor from Japan
Visiting us from her home club in Kokubo Kagoshima, Japan, was Makiko and her aunt Yoshiko.(unfortunately, we didn’t get their last names). Also, in attendance was Shauna Lorenzen from SR Sunrise.
Ginny Cannon reported that Doug Roberts and Kathleen Archer have recovered enough from recent surgeries to join us today. Both looked in fine form and none the worse for wear.

Paul Hamilton with Ray Giampoli who won this week’s raffle
Paul Hamilton had only $25 to give away today. Ray Giampaoli’s ticket was drawn.
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- Casey de Angelo announced the renewal of the successful New Gen project that was started last year at our club. Dubbed “New Gen II” , will start with a workshop on Sept. 14th from 9-12. Mentors are needed, so please sign up for this great groundbreaking program!
- Yale Abrams announced that sign-ups are being taken for 3 separate hands-on projects taking place on September 24th. Can you paint? Can you pound a nail? Please sign up!
- Elizabeth Karbousky announced that there will be a family social on Sunday, September 11th. Contact her for details.

Dan Schell and Rich DeLambert explaining to President Jose
El Presidente Jose took a few minutes to recognize a few of our Rotarians for recent adventures. Rich de Lambert and Dan Shell were photographed in hard hats while positing their opinions on how to best get rid of the old Bay Bridge structure. Bill Crowley was recognized for his cruise from Barcelona to Venice. David Brown “pimped his ride”, trading his old Jeep for a Mercedes C250. Fred and Jeanne Levin enjoyed an Alaskan cruise together. This writer wonders if they ever sit at the same table on the cruise ship??????
El Presidente shared his experiences at the Rotary International Convention in Seoul, South Korea. 40,000 people were in attendance. Jose showed a number of photos and was impressed by the contrast of modern skyscrapers next to 1,000 year old temples. He closed the program by sharing an inspiring speech by spiritualist (and Jerry Garcia doppelganger) Mahatria Ra. The gist of the speech was that as Rotarians we should be a gift to the world by being Healthy, wealthy, loving, blissful and spiritual.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Jose Guillen, President Elect: Julia Parranto, President Elect Nominee: Tony Roehrick, Past President: Doug Johnson, Secretary: Debi Zaft, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
John F. Germ, member of the Rotary Club Of Chattanooga, Tennessee
Governor, District 5130
Wulff A. Reinhold, Sr. member of the Rotary Club of Rohnert Park – Cotati
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Jack Atkin, Gesine Franchetti, Ray Giampaoli, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi