DIGITAL EDITION No. 73 April 23, 2014 EDITOR: Jim Johnson PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kris Anderson & Diane Moresi
Our Program For April 30th
Bill Keene – General Manager of the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District – will present information regarding the District’s history, accomplishments to date, as well as current and upcoming projects. Formed by the voters of Sonoma County in 1990 and reauthorized with over 76% of the vote in 2006, the District protects and stewards over 105,000 acres of agricultural, natural resource, scenic and recreational lands in Sonoma County.
Since April 2009, Bill has served as General Manager of the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District (District). The District’s land conservation efforts include the preservation and ongoing stewardship of agricultural and natural resource lands in Sonoma County. The District has permanently protected over 100,000 acres of diverse agricultural, natural resource and scenic open space lands in Sonoma County over the last 24 years. Additionally, the District is developing public access plans and constructing trail projects for properties that await transfer to Regional Parks, and to local cities.
May 7: Project Amigo
May 14: Al Loebel – His Recent Visit to Turkey
May 21: The United Way
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at:
Learn more st:

Yale Abramson, Chip Rawson and Tim Delaney at the check in area
The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa outdid itself for a truly social gathering last Wednesday evening at the Flamingo Resort Hotel, an exciting opportunity for Rotarians and their guests to get together for what turned out to be a rewarding event. The Flamingo ballroom held a rather large assortment of Rotarians, friends and guests, along with a tantalizing buffet of menu of aerial sightseeing, gourmet dinners, adventure, lunches, gourmet dinners, a seascape painting by a renowned local artist, and a priceless chocolate desert; all designed to open the purses of those attending. Following the excellent dinner, the gavel banged and the auction got underway. We won’t bore you with all the details, but Rotary’s fundraiser for this Rotary year got off to an impressive start with some enthusiastic bidding for an adventure in the skies for three guests: A flight in Tim Delaney’s airplane, all the way to Half Moon Bay…a round trip, complete with pilot, that includes lunch! Following in quick order was the second in a series of mouth-watering prizes…a luncheon for ten, dropped off to your office or work place: Roman-style pizza, Rotisserie Chicken or Porchetta sandwiches, a bowl of sweets, with cucumber mint lemonade, contributed by Gesine Franchetti.

Gerry Humes and Cathy Vicini
The bidding grew even hotter for the Trecini-Kosta Brown Winemakers Dinner for Two contributed by Cathy & John Vicini, held at the Inn at the Tides in Bodega Bay, including overnight accommodations at the Inn at the Tides in Bodega Bay. This once-a-year event, usually held in February, is virtually priceless! As was the third live auction item, contributed by Elaine & Steve Olson: A pair of Salvatore Ferragamo shoes—complete with a certificate of authenticity—from the private collection of the late Betty Ford, wife of President Gerald Ford. Rotarian Diane Moresi donated a spectacular original 9 x 12 seascape oil painting by local artist Louise Fraiser. It is a view from Chapman Point House in Mendocino. Sally Tomatoes’ Gerard Giudice donated a private catered dinner that he will cook himself at your home for eight (8) guests! Gerard has promised that he will cook, and serve dinner, plus clean up the kitchen & dining room afterward! And, finally, from Pam & Casey D’Angelo, a priceless chocolate desert to die for. Yum!! The winning bidder will have their choice of a cake or individual desserts prepared by Casey himself… such as pot de crème, mousse, & bread pudding!
Rotary’s silent auction last Wednesday evening generated $3,904, and the Rotary Foundation received an additional $1,011 in donations.

Mr. & Mrs. Bart Eddy

Cecil Humes

Fred Levin, Patricia & Rick Allen, Al Holcomb and Bob Sorenson
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George & Shannon McConnell and Will Haymaker

Elizabeth & Kevin Karbousky and Casey D’Angelo

Ginny Cannon and Debra Dorfman
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Jack Abercrombie and Peggy Soberanis

Joanne Haymaker and Pris Abercrombie – both with bum legs

Larry & Mary Miyano, Robbie & Doug Chase, Vickie Hardcastle and Judy Glenn
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Troy & Charity Ingold

Will Haymaker, Jose Guillen and Jack Geary

Live Auction items
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Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Peggy Soberanis, President Elect: Mark Burchill, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Bill Rousseau, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Ron D. Burton, member of the Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Governor, District 5130
Helaine Campbell, Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Matt Fannin, Jose Guillen, Doug Johnson, Nicole Le, Robert Pierce, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini