DIGITAL EDITION No. 76 May 14, 2014 EDITOR: Sam Saunders PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi
Our Program For May 21st
For over 125 years United Way has been serving communities across the United States; working with businesses of all sizes to support local non-profit organizations, helping to make our community a better place. Locally, United Way of the Wine Country, under many names, has been serving our family, friends and neighbors for nearly 50 years.
What most people “know” about United Way is from that long history. United Way has changed, dramatically, over the years, to become an organization committed to long-term sustainable community change. How this transformation took place, and who your local United Way is today will be the topics of discussion in what promises to be an enlightening discussion.
May 28: Changes in Power
June 4: 25-Year Anniversary of the Fall of Communism
June 11: Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Academy Awards
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Past President David Brown (2000-2001), filling in for an absent President Peggy Soberanis, opened the meeting with his typical panache and aplomb, deftly corralling the members from their pre-meeting clamor and appearing to feel all too comfortable with his reconstituted ‘podium power.’ Amazing what that little gavel will do to ones’ sense of control! The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Larry Miyano. Following the pledge, Chip Rawson, for the second week in a row, delivered the Invocation. This time, it was two quotes from author C.S. Lewis. The first ‘heavy’ quote was “To love at all is to be vulnerable.” Our official greeters today were Kris Anderson and Karen Ball.
Diane Moresi had no visiting Rotarians to introduce, save our guest speaker, Al Loebel from the Healdsburg Rotary Club who was introduced by Chip Rawson.
Our guests included: Rotarian Laura Hill, the new President of Cardinal Newman High School hosted by Past President Rich de Lambert. Cate Steane (a former Rotarian) was introduced by Past President Yale Abrams. Andrea Parranto was hosted by her mom, Rotarian Julia Parranto. Peter Holenski was the guest of Past President Debi Zaft. Immediate Past President Bill Rousseau hosted David Sundstrom, our Sonoma County Auditor-Controller-Treasurer and Tax Collector (one busy guy). No ‘boo’s’ were heard from the crowd after Tax Collector was mentioned.

Eunice Valentine tries her luck in the raffle
With Paul Hamilton conducting, the $87 raffle prize did not sufficiently motivate many and the ticket winner, Eunice Valentine, almost missed her chance. She recovered, found the ticket and pulled the wrong card. She won the $10 consolation; so, the pot in Sonoma County continues to grow.
Penny Tibbetts reports that no Rotarians are currently under the weather. It was mentioned that former Club member Jack Taylor recently passed away at age 89.
Vickie Hardcastle reminds us that our contributions of $100 to $300 this month to the Rotary International Foundation will be matched by RI, thus doubling the benefit to the Foundation and to the donor.
Past President Don McMillan is looking for more Giro Bello volunteers and for return phone calls to his messages (you know who you are!). He wasn’t on his knees yet, but that may still be possible if ya all don’t help out.
More drivers are needed to monitor the Giro Bello road course and provide assistance to riders who have been sidelined. Matt Everson is the person to contact if you have a valid driver’s license and a vehicle to drive.

Steve Olson presents scholarships
Past President Steve Olson, the Chair of the Scholarship Committee of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation, made two scholarship presentations: One to Victor Romos, a SRJC student on his way to UC Davis to study in the field of communications with a Jack Levar Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,500. Victor has been actively involved with Rotary through both the Santa Rosa High School Interact Club and a Rotoract Club while at SRJC.
Jasmine Rivera is the student selected to receive the $1,750 Joseph Dorfman Memorial Scholarship (courtesy of Past President Ray Dorfman). Jasmine is on her way to UC Berkeley to study Sociology. She has a 3.96 GPA while at SRJC. She plans to become a teacher. Jasmine has a long list of volunteer activities while attending school and working her way through school. That may lead her back to Rotary again someday.
Past President David Brown is back in control again and has not lost his touch for money.
His favorite target was the venerable Past President Ray Dorfman, for the umpteenth time. Ray is getting familiar with the concept of infinity. And, it cost him a confirmation to sign up a golf team for the YMCA charity golf tournament. Full Paid!
Doug Johnson’s daughter graduated from Sonoma State University and he willingly gave $50.
For not paying attention at today’s meeting, Matt Everson was fined $10. We’re not sure Matt knows this still, since he wasn’t paying attention.
Larry Miyano had his e-mail system hacked and bogus e-mail messages went out to his contact list asking them for travel money. Larry apologized, but it did not exempt him from a fine – he offered $100 to his Paul Harris Fellowship. Offer accepted.
Nona Lucas fine was $25. Her grandson was selected for the U.S. Jr. Cycling Team.
Paul Hamilton’s fine was for his “almost forgotten Raffle duty today.” He was a little late, but still made it to the meeting to handle the raffle duty. He pledged a $50 donation to RCSR Foundation for the Jack Levar Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Speaker Al Loebel
Our guest speaker was semi-retired Al Loebel, a Rotarian from Healdsburg, who presented a travelogue on his last trip to the country of Turkey. Al was introduced by Chip Rawson,who saw some of Al’s slides of Turkey, became impressed and asked Al to make this presentation.
According to Al, Turkey has a connection with two continents – Europe and Asia. This presents unique cultural diversity issues for its people, some of whom are Muslim with some of them being ‘cultural’ but not religious. Turkey is mostly a secular country and its leadership is pulling the country in directions that many of its citizens do not want to go. Hence, street protests and riots have ensued.
Al presented many slides of architectural landmarks, including the 6-minaret Blue Mosque in Istanbul. Most mosques have 4 minarets (towers). Turkey is home to many beautiful ancient buildings with ornate paintings and carvings. Al is an avid photographer and he captured many colorful images on his camera for us. His photos included the Basilica Cistern (underground water system), the Dolmabahce Palace, outdoor spice markets with their sensory overload of aromas, Taksim Square where people gather for social contact, the city of Van, the city of Ephesus and the Sumela Monastery carved out of a mountain side of solid rock.
Some of the more odd geographical features were the old city of Cappadocia, which is now a national park. It is surrounded by a landscape that looks other worldly with unusual rock formations/spires. And, Mount Nemrut was shown to have had carved stone monuments to the various gods. All the statues had their heads removed and lying on the ground. This was a monument to the Turkish King Antiochus I Theos of Commagene, built around 62 B.C.
Past President David Brown closed the meeting by thanking our Rotary team at work today at the meeting and our guests for attending and with a moment of silence for Jack Taylor’s family.
Then, that old gavel rang that old bell one more time.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Peggy Soberanis, President Elect: Mark Burchill, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Bill Rousseau, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Ron D. Burton, member of the Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Governor, District 5130
Helaine Campbell, Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Matt Fannin, Jose Guillen, Doug Johnson, Nicole Le, Robert Pierce, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini