DIGITAL EDITION No. 263 April 11, 2018 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Angelica Pilato
Vietnam Memoirs: Angel’s Truck Stop
Angelica Pilato
Lt. Col. Pilato will take us back to the Sixties, one of the most turbulent times in modern history, during her presentation on April 18th. As the first woman Air Force officer assigned to manage an Officers’ Club and the first to run one on a fighter pilot base in a war zone, she will give attendees a unique and authentic perspective of the Vietnam War.
In her memoir Angel’s Truck Stop, A Woman’s Love, Laughter, and Loss during the Vietnam War she recounts starting out as a starry-eyed idealist only to realize that she’s going to have to learn how to manage the conflicts, challenges and choices she faces in her trailblazing position.
Here stories of the testosterone-fueled fighter pilots she encountered at Udorn AFB, Thailand and much more from this eye witness to history. We urge you to invite veterans you know to join us on April 18th.
Copies of her memoir Angel’s Truck Stop, A Women’s Love, Laughter, and Loss during the Vietnam War will be on sale after the program for $25.
10% of the book sales will go to removing UXO (unexploded ordinance) in Southeast Asia.
Wednesday April 25, 2018: The Power of Rotary:Domestic Violence – Peg Rogers
Wednesday May 2, 2018: City Manager – Sean P. McGlynn
Wednesday May 9, 2018: Leticia Hanke – President of Black Chamber of Commerce.
Wednesday May 16, 2018: World Community Service Report – WCS Committee
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Opening Ceremonies
Pledge: Rose Frances
Reflection: Jack Atkin quoted Churchill, “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give”.
Visiting Rotarians
None today
Eric Selma was Dave Berman’s guest. Bill Archer, Kathleen’s squeeze was in attendance as well. Welcome to our guests!
Debi Zaft went to the ER last night with jaw pain and is still in the hospital for tests. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Pete Lescure’s ticket was drawn and he also drew the correct marble. For this, Pete won an undisclosed amount of money.
Veteran Rotary Craft Talk
Ray Giampaoli gave a craft talk on the awesomeness that is Kathleen Archer. Kathleen, an east bay girl ran track and played volleyball as a club sport at UC Berkeley. Kathleen attended Cal State East Bay, then St. Mary’s, where she stayed to establish the volleyball program. Afterward, Kathleen taught grade school and then later went into pharmaceutical sales. She and husband Bill Archer then started their family and for a time Kathleen became a stay at home mom. When the kids started attending school, Kathleen went to work in real estate and became a top real estate sales agent. Kathleen joined Rotary in 1997 served as a president in 2008-09, has traveled around the world working on a project in Uganda. Kathleen has led a full and active life and is an asset to our club!
Fire Relief Raffle
On Monday evening, our club awarded a Sebastopol Rotarian with (apparently) an unpronounceable name (Hal Kwalwasser). President Julia announced that our club raised over $150k for fire relief. Julia, tried repeatedly, but could not get it out right (as far as we know). At any rate, the Rotarian’s wife was happy to get the phone call that her husband had won the 25K cash prize. ????
Announcements and Vacations
Jeff Kolin shared the positive numbers for ridership, sponsorships and jersey sales.
- Andrea Geary encouraged sign-ups for the Rhine River cruise in 2019.
- Ted Wilmsen, sounding like Mark Zuckerberg in front of the Senate apologized for falling down on the job and not having wine for past presidents last week, offered a donation to the club as his penance.
- President Julia and her family went to Hawaii. She paid $200 to the club.
- Don and Jackie returned from a month long trip to Israel, Jordan and Vienna, Austria. Their son and his wife had their first children – TWINS!. $100 to the club for each.
- Nicole Le took her 5 year old to Disneyland and paid $50 to the club for that privilege.
Cathy’s Funny Bone
Cathy Vicini (God bless her heart) told us a golf joke today. It went something, but not exactly like this:
One day many years ago, I accidentally overturned my golf cart. Elizabeth, a very attractive and keen golfer, who lived in a villa on the golf course, heard the noise and called out:
Are you okay, what’s your name?”
“It’s David and I’m okay thanks,” I replied.
“David, forget your troubles. Come to my villa, rest a while and I’ll help you get the cart up later.”
“That’s mighty nice of you,” I answered, but I don’t think my wife would like it.”
“Oh, come on,” Elizabeth insisted.
She was very pretty, very sexy and persuasive. I was weak. “Well okay,” I finally agreed and added, “but my wife won’t like it.”
After a few restorative Vodka and tonics, I thanked Elizabeth: “I feel a lot better now, but I know my wife is going to be really upset. “So, I best go now”
“Don’t be silly!” Elizabeth said with a smile: “She won’t know anything. By the way, where is she?”
“Probably still under the cart ….” I said
Our guest speaker today was Alisa Adams of the Sonoma County Public Library’s Adult Literacy Program. Alisa described the program that depends on volunteers to help a variety of people improve their reading skills. While a large number of adults seeking reading skills are foreign born and speak English as a second language, a large number are also US citizens who for a variety of reasons do not have sufficient reading skills. While some have found ways to function without proper reading skills, they realize the need to improve those skills to achieve their goals.
The Adult Reading program offers basic reading and writing, Family Literacy and Inmate tutoring programs. Volunteers are required to be available a minimum of two hours per week. They are assigned a student for one on one tutoring and tutors are given training and materials appropriate to the student.
Rotary Rhine River Cruise August 19-26, 2019
So far 18 Rotarians from our club have signed up for the Rotary cruise on AMA Kristina. There are only 31 cabins remaining. If you are interested in joining us, please book as soon as possible to get the best cabin category.
Click here to get more information on pricing, itinerary, etc. Printed fliers are also available at our meetings. The early booking discount still applies but will expire at the end of April.
Governor, District 5130
Bob Rogers, Rotary Club of Sebastopol
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Ray Giampaoli, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi, Laura Held, Peter Holewinski, Steve Baime and Jeff Kolin