The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa was first chartered on December 22, 1921. The club has over 120 members which includes a cross section of Santa Rosa’s most influential and respected business and professional men and women.
Rotarians contribute time, energy, and money to help those who are most in need in the world. Rotary meets weekly, is non-political, non-religious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds. The Rotary flag now flies in more countries than that of the United Nations.
One of Rotary’s proudest accomplishments has been the 19-year crusade against polio in the world. The money and energies of individual Rotarians have vaccinated over 500 million children, which represents 99% of all children in the world. Members of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa have contributed $142,000 to the Polio Plus fund raising project to-date. This contribution helped immunize 1,704,000 children against this dreaded disease. Polio has been virtually eliminated in most of the world. Only three countries are still polio endemic – an all time low: Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afganistan and infection rates have dropped dramatically in even those countries in the past two years. To help accomplish this goal, Rotary International has secured matching grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Bank to match Rotary dollars four to one.
In 1994, the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa became the first service club ever to receive the Distinguished Service Award from the State of California Governor’s Committee for the Employment of Disabled Persons.
The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa communicates to our community
To learn more about becoming a Rotary Club of Santa Rosa member, click here.
Rotary Foundations

Rotarians have been instrumental in stopping polio transmission in India, benefiting children throughout the South Asia region. Photo by Rotary Images.
Rotarians have been instrumental in stopping polio transmission in India, benefiting children throughout the South Asia region. Photo by Rotary Images.[/caption]
The Rotary International Foundation — funds Rotary International scholarships, Polio Plus, group study exchange, local and international service programs and special grants to developing nations. For more information, please visit the Rotary Foundation.
The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation — a nonprofit corporation, offers financial assistance to qualified local non-profit organizations whose activities provide benefits solely within the local community.
To learn more about the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation, visit our Foundation Page