DIGITAL EDITION No. 188 August 17, 2016 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program for August 31st:
Ever wondered where the Laguna de Santa Rosa starts and ends? What plants and animals live there? How its 22-miles of streams and wetland pools connect and affect Windsor, Cotati, Sebastopol and Santa Rosa? Join Kevin Munroe after his first year as a CA resident and Laguna Foundation’s Executive Director to learn the answers. Growing up in Northern Virginia just outside of Washington, D.C., Kevin visited the west coast many times and was excited to move here last summer. A self-described dragonfly-geek and life-long birdwatcher, Kevin will share exciting wetland facts and new conservation projects underway at the Laguna Foundation.
** The Sgt at Arms committee needs help with set up and take down while Jack Geary recovers. Secretary Zaft will distribute a sign-up sheet on Wednesday. Please consider volunteering for either one of these duties. **
Wednesday, August 31st: Laguna de Santa Rosa
Wednesday, September 7th: 9/11 Fifteen Years Later
Wednesday, September 14th: New Gen Peacebuilders Program
Wednesday, September 21st: District Governor Wulff A. Reinhold
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Pledge : Will Haymaker Invocation: Dr. Shari Shamsavari
Roger (BOO!) Olson from Healdsburg and our guest speaker, Bill Sauber from Sebastopol.
Pat Wood, guest of Carolyn Fassi.
Ginny Cannon announced that Judge Alan Hardcastle, Vicky’s hubby is having a new knee installed today.
Cathy Vicini, passed around some off color jokes not appropriate for a civilized audience (but perfect for her table!) She then told a tamer joke to the other Rotarians and guests in the room. It was so tame, this writer can’t remember it!
Robby Fouts presented the raffle and after one ticket holder apparently slept through his ticket being called (#515942), another one was selected. Visiting Rotarian Roger Olson was at least awake enough to hear HIS ticket number called. Unfortunately, he drew the wrong colored marble and settled for the $10 consolation prize.
Debi Zaft tries and tries to get us to read the Rotarian, but she just doesn’t realize that, well – we don’t know how to read! Except for PE Julia Parranto who found out that she’d have to learn to read to become a president. She correctly answered the question regarding the invention of the microscope (Al Gore, 400 years ago – look it up!)
Kerrie Chambers was just so darned excited about red badger Brandon Uhrich disagreeing with PE Julia Parranto at a meeting that she shared the incident with the club. She used it as an example of club members trusting each other enough to be able to disagree and debate a solution rather than just caving in. This trust, especially as it relates to members from different generations will ultimately make the club stronger.
Will Haymaker was recognized for his trip to Alaska to collect Moose droppings which he presented to El Presidente. He also donated $50 to the club. Steve Olson has been on a 17 day odyssey in his 5th wheel to the Sierra, Oregon and northern California coast, including his old stomping grounds in Ferndale. He swears the students he taught are older than he is now! $100 to the Wes Jamison Scholarship fund. Jack Tolin has been on a baseball odyssey with his daughter that has taken years to complete. They’ve toured every MLB ballpark in ‘Merica including now, the Zika Virus infested environs of South Florida. Jack “played ball” with El Presidente and offered up $100 “Yankee” dollars, NOT those Zimbabwe trillions that Gospe brought back last week! Steve Baime had enough gambling doe left over from his Las Vegas adventure to donate $100 to his Paul Harris. Kim Murphy went to Italy and then Scotland, a trip worthy of a $100 donation. BTW, Jeff Gospe presented El Presidente a Rotary flag from Zambia that is, no doubt worth trillions of Zimbabwean dollars! Fred Levin was fined $25 for “Shoe Abuse” but our Presidente showed mercy and gave him a 20% discount coupon for a new pair of hiking shoes.
PP Mark Burchill announced there will be a RMB (Rotary Means Business) get together at Franchetti’s on September 15th at 5pm. Franchetti’s is also the location for the kick-off meeting for the 2017 Giro Bello on August 30th at noon. There will be a New Gen meeting immediately before the regular Rotary meeting on September 14th.
An entertaining and informative program was presented by Sebastopol Rotarian “Ironman” Bill Sauber covering his 2,000 plus mile trek on the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine. Mr. Sauber showed a number of photos of the trip he undertook with his son, “just Pete”, the trail name he gave himself. Starting in February 2015 in single digit temperatures and also enduring heat and humidity of the east during the trek, they covered the distance over several months. Mr. Sauber shared a number of gear items they utilized on the trip and described how rain gear becomes somewhat useless when you are sweating under it – better to just get washed from the rain. It was an entertaining and enlightening look at this popular trail route – the eastern version of the Pacific Crest Trail. Bill’s journey was inspired by Polio Plus and asked everyone to consider donating to this good cause of eradicating Polio from the world. Yes, we are very, very close!
Jackie McMillan reflected on last week’s pledge and shared another pledge that is recited each Monday morning at Sonoma Country Day School:
“This day has been given to me fresh and clear. I can either use it or throw it away. I promise I shall use this day to the fullest, realizing it can never come back again. I realize this is my life to use or throw away.”
Presidente Jose thanked every helper for making the meeting a success and closed with the following quote from Oscar Wilde: “Pleasure is Nature’s test, her sign of approval. When man is happy, he is in harmony with himself and his environment.”
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Jose Guillen, President Elect: Julia Parranto, President Elect Nominee: Tony Roehrick, Past President: Doug Johnson, Secretary: Debi Zaft, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
John F. Germ, member of the Rotary Club Of Chattanooga, Tennessee
Governor, District 5130
Wulff A. Reinhold, Sr. member of the Rotary Club of Rohnert Park – Cotati
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Jack Atkin, Gesine Franchetti, Ray Giampaoli, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi