DIGITAL EDITION No. 185 July 27, 2016 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi
Our Program for August 3rd:
Come meet the man who left the corporate world as Vice President of Marketing for General Foods and who was on the team that invented Jell-O Jigglers, to become an internationally acclaimed and award-winning poet and former Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. Dana Gioia (pronounced JOY-uh) will be our speaker on August 3rd.
Wednesday, August 10th: President Jose’s Rotary International Convention report: Seoul Korea
Wednesday, August 17th: Club Assembly
Wednesday, August 24th: Trekking the Appalachian Trail for Polio
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Past President Doug and President Jose. Doug is giving the Invocation
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vicky Hardcastle
The Invocation was presented by Doug Johnson
Christine Schieberl from the Santa Rosa West club was in attendance today.
Today’s guests included: Mary Page from the Foundation for Global Humanity, Barbara Hofmann from Mozambique, Mike Mullins from Empire Law School, Justin Pigeon and Peter Holewinski’s son, Aron visiting from New York. Also present was our Rotary Foreign Exchange outbound student, Christopher Gullixson whose next stop is Sweden.

Rotarian Chip Rawson drawing raffle ticket from Rotarian Robbie Fouts
Robby Fouts again presented today’s raffle. This writer didn’t catch who won the drawing for the money, but Layne Bowen won two fair tickets after having his number called.
Ginny Cannon announced that Cathy Vicini is recovering from her recent surgery but is not quite ready to attend Rotary.

Rotarian Jack Geary presented a Blue Badge to his daughter Andrea Geary. Two generations of Rotarians in the same club!
El Presidente Jose awarded a blue badge to Andrea Geary and acknowledged her immediate contributions to our club including her running the Bocce Tournament and participation on other committees and events. He then auctioned off two tickets to this Sunday’s Giants/ Nationals game at AT&T Park that were provided by Diane Moresi. PP Bill Rousseau won after a heated auction for $125.
- El Presidente Jose provided the following updates:
- District Conference 5/12-5/14 Hyatt Regency, Lake Tahoe ( Register early to get good rates.
- RI Convention in Atlanta Georgia, June 10-14, 2017-100th Celebration. Let’s try to get a large group going to the convention and be eligible for an award from the District Governor.
- Club Assembly 8-17-16 – Please we need you to join our various committees
- Buy your $10 squares to win an instant $1,000 Paul Harris. I would appreciate any donations as consolation prices (please see me for ideas)
- Sad to see two members leave our club-Joy Parker and Steven Dunn.
- Mark Burchill asked if anyone has a video 8 player as he is converting video of Rotary events to a more modern format. Not surprisingly, Robby Fouts still owns one!
- Matt Fannin announced there will be a membership meeting after next week’s luncheon.
- Yale Abrams asked for volunteers for a hands on project on Saturday, September 24th.

Rotarian Will Haymaker highlighting Project Amigo. One of our very important committees!
El Presidente, Jose will be asking each committee to give a presentation to discuss what they are doing on the committee level. Today, with his usual “Aloha!” greeting, past president and aspiring hula dancer Will Haymaker shared information about the legacy project supported by our World Community Service Committee, Project Amigo. Project Amigo has long been supported by our club. The project is based in Colima, Mexico and is an education program for children who would otherwise have extremely limited access to education. Project Amigo has supported children from kindergarten through college and beyond including one young woman who is now studying to be a surgeon. Club members are encouraged to, as Will said, “Get off your butts and go down and work for a week”.

President Jose and Rotarian Jackie McMillian – Jose presented this cone to Don McMillian – absent today.
El Presidente,Jose took a few minutes to acknowledge a few Rotarians. Dr. Shari Shamsavari was recognized for giving Giro Bello shirts to the children’s Mariachi Orchestra in Guadalajara. Diane Moresi was recognized for her skill at locking her car keys inside her car the day of Giro Bello in an age where it’s almost impossible to do so. For this, Diane was awarded an East LA car key (a coat hanger) by El Presidente Jose. PE Julia Parranto was recognized for her lavish Hawaiian vacation for which she donated $100 to daughter Andrea’s Paul Harris. Don McMillan was awarded a traffic cone in absentia for his work running Giro Bello.

Guest Speaker, Steven Campbell
Professor, Author and Professional guest speaker, Steven Campbell gave an enlightening and engaging program on the mind and how it works. Professor Campbell, whose book “Making Your Mind Magnificent” revealed how our mind receives and “believes” the thing we tell it. For example, if we tell our mind, “I can’t do that”, the mind believes it. If, however, you tell your mind ,”I can do that”, it believes that as well. This explains how we sometimes convince ourselves we cannot do something, like write a coherent bulletin ……
From which country does El Presidente Jose hail?
- Honduras
- Guatemala
- Nicaragua
- Chile
- None of the above
- Sweden
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The first few raffle number drawings were for Sonoma County Fair passes. This is Rotarian Layne Bowen and Rotarian Jack Atkin fooling around. Layne had the winning number
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Steve Baime with his winning passes
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Rotarian Bill Rosseau and his winning fair passes
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President Jose thanking our guest speaker, Steven Campbell
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Jose Guillen, President Elect: Julia Parranto, President Elect Nominee: Tony Roehrick, Past President: Doug Johnson, Secretary: Debi Zaft, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
John F. Germ, member of the Rotary Club Of Chattanooga, Tennessee
Governor, District 5130
Wulff A. Reinhold, Sr. member of the Rotary Club of Rohnert Park – Cotati
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Jack Atkin, Gesine Franchetti, Ray Giampaoli, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi