DIGITAL EDITION No. 177 May 25, 2016 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le
Our Program for June 1st:
Our speakers will be Skip Wallace, Recreation Coordinator for Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks Dept., and Noah Lowry, Pitcher for San Francisco Giants.
Junior Giants is a FREE, non-competitive, and innovative co-ed baseball program for underserved children ages 5-13 years old (as of July 1, 2016). The Junior Giants Program is made possible by the Giants Community Fund, which collaborates with the San Francisco Giants, by using baseball as a forum to encourage youth and their families to live healthy, productive lives. The program teaches kids the fundamentals of baseball, but places a higher emphasis on building character than on wins and losses. The program offers a wide array of educational components, including the Round-the-Bases Reading Program, the Strike-Out Bullying Contest and Four Bases of Character Development (Confidence, Integrity, Leadership and Teamwork). This program encourages kids to live healthy and productive lives by getting outside, playing baseball and learning important life lessons at the same time.
Yale Abrams, chair of our Hands On Committee, feels this would be a great volunteer opportunity for some of our Rotarians. Applications to be a Junior Giants Volunteer Coach or Team Parent will be available at weekly meetings. The deadline is May 20, 2016, but the sooner the better! After submitting a Junior Giants volunteer application, volunteers will undergo two background checks (at no cost).
Length of Commitment: The season runs from early June to early August and takes place at Southwest Community Park and Elsie Allen High School. There will be one practice and one game per week, Monday and Wednesday evenings or Tuesday and Thursday evenings. This opportunity is open to volunteers age 18 and over.
Wednesday, June 8th: Songwriters
Wednesday, June 15th: Future Design of Senior Living Communities
Wednesday, June 22nd: President Doug’s Year in Review
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Vickie Hardcastle with invocation
Pledge: Robert Pierce
Invocation Vickie Hardcastle
Matthew Henry from the Rotary club of Pomona (and the new director at the YMCA) and Virginia Brunini from the 49er Rotary club of Nevada City (a past president of Tiberon-Belvedere)
Peggy Soberanis’ mom passed away at age 101. Our condolences to Peggy!
President Doug fined everyone without a pin on $2. They were allowed to pay $5 and get a new pin. A few took him up on the offer.
Cathy Vicini had 2 jokes for us today

Ryan Thomas Raffle winner
We had a winner last week so today’s pot was small and we had 10 marbles. Ryan Thomas did not stand a chance! But he got the $10.
Mark Burchill: The debunking meeting will be on Wednesday, June 29th from 5:00 – 7:00 at the Wikiup Swim and Tennis Club. The cost will be $24 like all meetings. BYOB if you want anything special to drink. The pool will be open!

Matt Fannin
Matt Fannin: He needs 5 more people to help with road striping for the Giro Bello. It will take about 2.5 hours and they will be doing it the day before the Giro Bello. Please contact him if you can help.
Yale Abrams: the Junior Giants program needs coaches. Let him know if you can help
Don McMillan: Thanked all who helped with the Rose parade and the Tomales Bay rest stop from this last weekend. He needs volunteers for Tuesday June 21 to pick up equipment. On Friday June 24th he needs volunteers to pack food and other items for the various rest stops.
Kerrie Chambers: It is guest week next week. Please bring a guest and let Jack Abercrombie know who and how many you are bringing. He needs a head count. Noah Lowry will be our guest speaker
Diane Moresi: Our float won 2nd prize at the Rose Parade and we got $400 for it!
President Doug: reminder that the bocce tournament is coming up. Get your teams together!
Craig Meltzner thanked Cathy Vicini for getting him a new dog…Nicole Le is back from Cabo and Disneyland…Julia Parranto thanked Robert Pierce for some professional photography for her business and Wayne Rowlands for a client referral…Rich de Lambert has been to Murphy’s and Yosemite with friends and family…Will Haymaker was also in Yosemite with his family….Pete Lescure had a great brunch at Franchetti’s Kitchen. He ran into Jim and Joan Mitchell and had a heck of a good time!….Cathy Vicini let us know that her dog, Knox, has just sired his 28th litter. Good thing he doesn’t have to raise them!….Paul Hamilton was in South Dakota for a funeral and ran into Bill Hatcher at the airport in Omaha, Nebraska…..Bill Hatcher was on an annual hunting vacation in the Midwest….Mark Burchill got his old travel trailer out and went out to Bodega with it. Now he plans on doing a little travel with it….Tim Delaney is going to the Thursday night Warrior’s game. I hope he brings them luck.

Yale Abrams facilitating meeting
More will come out later, but today’s topics were Membership – Recruitment and Retention, Membership Engagement, and Club Socials
How do we try to recruit members of the Active 20-30 Club as they age out?
How do we attract younger members?
How do we get member involvement?
Who is active on the District level?
How do we get more members to go to District Assembly, District Conference, and next year’s international convention in Atlanta?
Speaking of the convention next year. If you register between May 28th and June 6th the price is only $265! That is a huge discount! Check your email or visit
People do want more of our events on the website calendar so they can plan
As for socials, the members do like going to the wineries (like Trecini). We need more family socials were kids can come.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson