DIGITAL EDITION No. 151 November 11, 2015 EDITOR: Sam Saunders PHOTOGRAPHER: Dian Moresi
Our Program for November 18th:

District Governor Erin Dunn will be our guest
Wednesday, November 25th: Club is DARK due to Thanksgiving
Wednesday, December 2nd: A Capella Group
Wednesday, December 16th: Myanmar
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
As an army of one and being all he can be, President Doug Johnson got the rank and file to attention on this Veteran’s Day meeting and kept us at ease after the opening ceremonies concluded. The Flag Salute/Pledge of Allegiance was led with hands over hearts by Kerrie Chambers. Sam McMillan read a few verses from a story “They Did Their Share” written by Joanna Fuchs about giving proper recognition to our military veterans – very fitting for today’s program.
Blaine Goodwin introduced one visiting Rotarian, Scott Holder of the Santa Rosa Sunrise Club.
Larry Miyano hosted student Chirstopher Gullixson; Karen Ball brought her other half, Dennis Ball. Kirt Kisling was the guest of Tim Delaney and Ann Gospe brought her son Jacob (prospective Interact student?). Past President Marnie Goldschlag hosted her other half, Eric.
Eileen Carlisle reports a few clouds: Past President Fred Levin has a major back pain condition. We hope for a speedy recovery and a quick return to us. He must have really tweaked it good when he rolled on the floor after Cathy Vicini’s last joke. Past President Rich de Lambert reports that Dan Schell is out of commission but will not see the Mothball Fleet. Hurry back to active status u guys!

Cathy Vicini’s Canine Companion
According to Cathy Vicini, fifty-one years ago Herman James, a mountain man, was drafted by the Army. On his first day in boot camp, the Army issued him a comb. That afternoon, the Army barber sheared off all his hair. On his second day, the Army issued him a tooth brush. That afternoon, the Army dentist yanked seven of his teeth. On his third day, the Army issued him a jock strap. The Army is still looking for him. (Ed. So much for military intelligence)

Today’s speaker Maj. Gen. Gary Medvigy picks a ticket from Will Haymaker for the Raffle
Raffle master Past President Will Haymaker reports that $436 is the available prize amount. Joy Parker held the winning ticket. Though being a good accountant, Joy did not select the winning number from the bottle, so she sailed away $10 richer. If the pot continues at this pace, the Club may have to issue a Form 1099-MISC to the winner, leading to under-reporting, scrutiny and audit by the IRS, assessment of penalties and eventually a tax fraud conviction and jail time. Hmmm, do you really want to win it then?
President Doug confirmed that there will be a Club social event at Corrick’s store on Thursday, December 10 at 6PM. Bring an appetizer or wine to share. The Children’s Choir will perform.
District 5130 Governor, Erin Dunn, will visit our Club next week. A good turnout would be great and there will be no early leavers (stay in your fox holes until ordered to evacuate).
Sgt-of-Arms Jack Geary and Dan Schell were thanked for their years of service in helping to set-up the room for our weekly meetings and Roy Thylin was duly thanked for his long-term commitment to handling the funds at the meetings.
President Doug asked Rotarians who attended last weeks’ Veterans Lunch to stand to be recognized. A large contingent rose. Paul Hamilton thanked all helpers for last weeks’ Veterans Lunch event and for selling tickets and a $500 sponsorship on behalf of late club member Nick Knickerbocker.
After attending the memorial service for Nick Knickerbocker last Saturday, Doug reminded us that life is short and we should take time to get to know one another better.
Our “End Polio Now” board of squares has renewed itself. We have raised $6,937 thus far for
Rotary Int’l Foundation contributions and we are only 4.33 months into this Rotary year – good job Rotarians. BUT, don’t stop now. Our goal is to raise a total of $11,400 (about $100 per member). The winner of the game will be credited with a $1,000 Paul Harris Fellowship Award.
President-Elect Jose Guillen introduced a slate of nominated Club Board directors for the 2016-2018 term: Past President Kathleen Archer, Ray Giampaoli, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan and Diane Moresi. No nominations were made from the floor. The slate will be voted on next week.
Ann Gospe and Ginny Cannon said poinsettia plant sales will be ‘sign-up’ ready next week. Buy plants for yourselves and for the seniors living at the Vigil Light community. Volunteers are needed to deliver plants to their Christmas social after our December 9 meeting and to stay for some music and singing.
Salvation Army bell ringing opportunities this year will be held at the 4th Street Safeway and College Avenue G&G markets in 2-hour shifts on December 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 and 13 as announced by Kerrie Chambers. Sign-ups start now. Loosen up those wrists and wallets, too!
Chip Rawson brought forth a plea for more volunteer helpers at our Rotary meetings to act as lunch ticket sellers and takers.
The November birthday babies were plenty and were celebrated by Laura Held who led us in the Happy Birthday song and cheer. The reason there was no cake is that no one had enough lung capacity to blow out that many candles. The honorees were: Yale Abrams, Kathleen Archer, Laura Held, Jim Johnson, Mike Kalhoff, Fred Levin, Wally Lowry, Craig Meltzner, Diane Moresi, Julia Parranto, Bob Sorensen, Brandon Uhrich, Cathy Vicini and Dan Wright.

Only a few celebrants were present

A very generous Jock McNeil paying for his recognition
President Doug pulled rank, aimed his cross-hairs and fired off these fines for the following crimes:
- Jock McNeill, GUILTY: for being away from Rotary to conduct business (isn’t that what we are supposed to do?), for getting awards, travels and a new car (OK, we do that, too). SENTENCE: $200 to his wife’s Paul Harris Fellowship by buying 20 squares on the board and another $100 for 10 more squares: 5 for his mother-in-law (member) Diane Moresi and 5 for Past President Marnie Goldschlag who helped him in some form or fashion.
- Bill Hatcher, GUILTY: as snitched on by Sam McMillan, went on an antelope hunting spree in Steamboat Springs, CO, bagged one and donated it to a local charity. SENTENCE: $150 to the John Brown Memorial Veterans Scholarship Fund of our local Foundation and $50 to the Club.

Major Gennral Medvigy and President Doug
Our speaker was U.S . Army Major General (Res.) and Superior Court Judge Gary Medvigy,who spoke to his 40-year career as an Army veteran and court judge. He was introduced by President-Elect Jose Guillen (Sonoma County Superior Court Executive Officer) who first met the General in Afghanistan about ten years ago while on a courtroom construction consulting project.
General/Judge Medvigy has a lengthy and very respectable resume after nearly a 40 year military career in both active and Reserve duty and having served as Superior Court Judge for the past 8 years (currently serving). He describes himself as a “Cold War warrior” since he joined the Army ROTC in 1974 and was commissioned in 1978. He attended law school in Vermont and served as a military prosecutor and Judge Advocate (1982-1988). Before becoming a local judge, he worked as a Deputy District Attorney from 1988 to 2007. General Medvigy followed in his family’s footsteps – his dad and uncles were in the Marines or Navy during WWII and the Korean War. He remembers getting goose bumps when he watched the U.S. flag go by in parades – at age 4.
General Medvigy has earned 34 military awards and he wore probably all of them on his uniform today. His work in the Army has principally been in the legal context. He served in civil affairs for the military in Afghanistan during the coalition period in operations that remain classified.
The strength of our nation reflects the strength/condition of our Army. It is under stress these days for budgetary reasons and due to the changing landscape of needs for our nation. It has been his privilege and honor to serve in the U.S. military for nearly 40 years. Actually, it is our privilege and honor to have General Medvigy address our Rotary audience today.
He and his wife have a daughter in her third year at West Point Military Academy and another daughter set to climb Mount Everest in 2016 as part of an Army team. His sons have been connected with Rotary exchange programs in past years.
President Doug uniformly thanked today’s crew on the USS Rotary (BB1921): Kathy Schwartz and Kim Graves as greeters, Jeff Kolin and Chip Rawson as ticket sellers, Jack Tolin as ticket taker and Will Haymaker as raffle conductor, Cathy Vicini as mic and joke jockey. If I missed anyone, let me know and I’ll throw out the life preserver.
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Dick Jenkins and Chuck Bartley
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Major General Medvigy with President Doug and Eric Goldschlag
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Marnie buys a square on the Paul Harris Board
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Kathy Schwartz and Kim Graves at door
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson