DIGITAL EDITION No. 150 November 5, 2015 EDITOR: Jack Abercrombie PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program for November 11th:
Major General Medvigy has had a distinguished United States Army service for more than 30 years. His most recent reserve position, from May 2012 to May 2015, was as Deputy Commanding General (Wartime), Eight Army, Yongsan, Korea. He previously served as Commander, 14th Psychological Operations Battalion from 2001-2003, Commander, 7th Psychological Operations Group from 2005-2007 and Commander 351st Civil Affairs Command from 2009 through 2012. His more significant active duty assignments have included wartime service: Director of Judicial Sector and Security Sector Reform for the Office of Military Cooperation in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2004; Assistant Officer in Charge, future plans for the Combined Special Operations Command in Qatar; and Rule of Law and Command Judge Advocate Bosnia in 1998. From 1982-1988, he began his active service as U.S. Army Judge Advocate in the capacity of Senior Prosecutor in three military communities in Germany and at the Presidio of San Francisco. He has received over 34 awards and decorations for his outstanding service.
Wednesday, November 18th: District Governor Visit
Wednesday, November 25th: Club is DARK due to Thanksgiving
Wednesday, December 2nd: A Capella Group
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Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
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U.S. Marine Corps Color Guard
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The panel Al Maggini, John Logan, Kate O’Hare-Palmer Jonathan Maltez
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Elsie Allen H.S. Marching Band
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Rotary Club members and guests
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson