DIGITAL EDITION No. 105 December 17, 2014 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Club is dark Wednesday, December 24th
Wednesday, December 31st
Our Program for January 7th:
Once again it is going to be a fun time as we all participate in a wonderful time playing Trivial Pursuit led by our very own Ray Dorfman. Bring family and guests to this fun event.
Wednesday, December 24th – CLUB IS DARK
Wednesday, December 31st – CLUB IS DARK
Wednesday, January 7th: Club Fellowship – Family Trivia
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at:

Santa Mark Burchill
President Mark Burchill rang the bell and the pledge was led by Don McMillan. Mike Kallhoff then shared a 4 Way Test invocation.
Guests of Rotarians included:
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- JoAnn Haymaker, guest of husband Will.
- Peter Holewinski’s guest was daughter Julia.
Don McMillan skillfully presided over the raffle today, which contained a pot of $353. The lucky ticket belonged to Dick Jenkins, but Dick missed out on the big payout and had to settle for the $10 consolation prize and his “closest to the pin” winnings at the rowdy table.

Carmen Sinigiani
Carmen Sinigiani shared some information about her business. Carmen is a partner in the law firm DeMeo, Demeo & West. Carmen specializes in trusts, trust litigation and estate planning.
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- President Mark announced that he still has some 4H meat products to sell. Several people purchased the meat, led by Julia Parranto.
- Ted Wilmsen announced that we still need 20 slots filled to distribute dictionaries to area grade schools in January.
- Don McMillan is organizing volunteers for the 2015 Giro Bello and asked that anyone interested come forward.
- Layne Bowen announced that volunteers are needed for the Bulletin Writing Committee. In addition, he asked that any committee wishing to share what they are doing with the whole club send in their information for inclusion in the Santa Rosarian.
- Julia Parranto shared her experience running the Children’s Christmas Committee. This committee distributes toys and hosts disadvantaged children in a showing of the Nutcracker. Tim Fawcett again reprised his role as Santa Claus to present toys to the children.
- Jeanne Levin spends the year as a candle craft person when she’s not working on living trusts. Each Rotarian was presented today with a hand crafted, one of a kind candle in commemoration of the holiday season. Thanks, Jeanne!
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- Thanks to the City of Santa Rosa, Sam McMillan had some nicely landscaped property removed to widen Santa Rosa Avenue. For the pleasure of re-landscaping his remaining frontage, Sam coughed up $100.
- Ted Wilmsen and his wife celebrated her 70th birthday among the beasts at Safari West Wild Animal Park. For this he paid $50.
- Will Haymaker, looking particularly dashing in his HOT PINK shirt, announced that today is his 85th birthday! (Not sure if any money changed hands)
- Rich de Lambert paid $25 for something this writer missed, apparently still distracted and possibly blinded by Will’s shirt.
- Jack Abercrombie announced that his grandson had completed his college requirements.
- Bob Sorenson donated $50 in celebration of the birth of his 3rd great grandchild.
Santa Wally Lowry
Stephen Passalaqua proudly announced his daughter’s singing accomplishments.
- Cathy Vicini took quiet pleasure in her son having to get up at 4:30 AM with his daughter. Apparently Cathy’s son did this to her some years ago and is now finding payback is a …………you know. Cathy’s quiet celebration was worth $50 to her.
- Wally Lowry gave us a history lesson on his Black Irish heritage, noting that the Spaniards who married into Irish families were the genesis of this term. Only thing is, Wally found out through some kind of testing (DNA test? Carbon Dating?) that he is NOT a Black Irishman. He is a lot of things, just not that!
The program today was a concert by Sonoma County’s premier men’s chorus, The Redwood Chordsmen, that happens to have our own Dan Schell as a member. The group entertained us with a number of Seasonal songs, even one that was an adaptation of a Beach Boys song.
The Chordsmen meet on Wednesday nights and are open to new members who’d like to stretch out their vocal chords and join in the sweet harmony. Meetings are held at the New Vintage Church at 3300 Sonoma Avenue.

Redwood Chordsmen
Mark thanked the following Rotarians for their help at today’s meeting:
Microphone Jockey: Cathy Vicini
Lunch Sales: Matt Fannin & Ginny Cannon
Lunch ticket taker: Kris Anderson
Greeters: Rich de Lambert and Marnie Goldschlag
Raffle: Don McMillan
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini