DIGITAL EDITION No. 96 October 1, 2014 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le
Our Program For October 8th
The Legacy Committee has been researching a possible Legacy Project for our club for a few years. They researched dozens of potential charitable projects which could serve as a primary conduit for the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa to give back to our community. The committee has narrowed their search down to two potential projects, which they will present to the club at the October 8 meeting.
October 15: Candidates for Santa Rosa City Council
October 22: Sonoma County Winegrowers
October 29: Evening Meeting
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
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Get your tickets at:

Will Haymaker gives the invocation
President Mark Burchill rang the bell and asked Ann Gospe to lead the pledge. Since she was already pulling lunch ticket sales duty, a chorus of Rotarians led the pledge. Then followed an amusing invocation of Zen teachings by the always funny Will Haymaker. Will informed us that “sex is like air (wait for it, wait for it) It’s not important unless you aren’t getting any!” He shared some other observations: “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day – teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day!” There were a couple of others, but you get the point…….He also shared some serious Zen Knowledge, saying, “Buddha was asked what he gains from meditation. He replied, “Nothing. But I’ve lost anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity and all fear of age and death” Will can regularly be seen meditating on his yoga mat near the Oakmont Golf Club driving range on Tuesdays and Thursdays………
Guests of Rotarians included Rotary first lady Mel Konrad and prospective Rotarian Emily Harrington, guest of Cecil Humes.
Our guest speaker is also a Rotarian from Cloverdale, dentist and forensic dentistry expert Jim Wood. From Guadalajara, Jalisco, our good friend Shari Shamsavari was also in attendance today.
Debi Zaft states that Ann Gospe is the latest Rotarian to be entered into our year end drawing for $100. If you want to be eligible, you must correctly answer a question from a recent Rotarian Magazine.
*Remember – Debi will be back on October 8th with this question: “Polio still lurks in 3 countries. Which three countries?” A bonus question for an extra entry: “One of the biggest remaining challenges for eliminating polio is what?”
Birthday matron Elizabeth Karbousky had a bag of goodies for our October birthday Rotarians. (BTW, Elizabeth – we REALLY LIKE YOU IN THIS ROLE!!!) Those celebrating birthdays in October are: Kris Anderson, Dan Bornstein, Troy Carrington, Tim Fawcett, Ann Gospe, Jose Guillen, Greg Johnston, Nicole Le, Carrie Ludtke, John Poremba, Tim Stewart and Roy Thylin.

October Birthdays
ARE YOU EXPERIENCED? (Senior Rotarian Craft Talk)
Jimi Hendrix asked that musical question back in the 60’s. Of course if you remember it, you weren’t really there…..BUT TED WILMSEN WAS! Ted gave us his experienced Rotarian craft talk today, sharing many things this writer never knew about him. Ted was born on December 19th, 1941 soon after the

Ted Wilmsen shares his Craft Talk
Pearl Harbor attack. The youngest of 3 boys, Ted was raised by German immigrant parents in Arcadia, CA. His father was a chicken rancher and carpenter, building the home the family lived in in 1938. Amazingly in this day and age, Ted’s oldest brother still lives in that house. Ted graduated from high school in 1959 and worked in a sheet metal shop until entering the service a year later. As an Army aircraft mechanic, Ted spent three years in Germany from 1960-63. After studying at Pasadena City College, Ted received an Award of Honor from the Altadena Rotary Club. Ted graduated the next year with an AA degree in Instrument Technology. After graduation, Ted became an employee of Union Oil, got married, had kids got divorced and went to work for Magma Power Company. In 1972, Ted moved to Santa Rosa and lived in the Coddingtown Terrace Apartment. He met his new wife Deanie, who also was a resident at the apartments with her two year old daughter Alisha and they were married in 1973. Magma’s VP Harry Falk, a Rotarian himself was staying at the Travelodge Motel on a visit to Santa Rosa and saw a Rotary plaque on the wall. He recommended Ted join Rotary and the rest is history. After a long history of learning about and working in the geothermal field, Ted finally retired in 1999. He now has several grandkids and is still very active in our Rotary Club.
Steve Marburger then told us a little about himself and his business. Steve recently moved back to CA from New Mexico after selling his business there. Steve now owns and operates Pipeline Information Technology a computer and IT support company based here in Santa Rosa. He is your go to guy for any computer and IT needs for your business.
Why are these two categories lumped together? Because President Mark, always trying to measure and improve things has tried some different raffle formats and sent out a survey asking the club which they liked better. Turns out the club was unhappy when it “lost it’s marbles”, so guess what? The MARBLES ARE BACK!!! Apparently, the club does NOT like to be quizzed about the Queen’s old English terminology. Today, The Raffle returned the lost marbles and suddenly all seemed right with the world. No winners today, though…….
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- President Mark reminded everyone of the schedule on their tables of upcoming events. He also reminded us that the city council candidate’s forum is scheduled for our meeting Wednesday October 15th. Please RSVP as this will be a very big meeting and guests are invited.
- Mark also announced the upcoming Inter-Club BBQ Social & Bocce Ball tournament Saturday, October 25th. Teams are still forming for the Bocce Tournament. Also, on October 29th, our next evening meeting will include a Murder Mystery element.
- Doug Johnson is still looking for rest stop volunteers for the Gran Fondo. This is a popular volunteer event and Doug said he only needed to fill one more slot, already having 24 people signed up. If you haven’t volunteered for this before, please join us – you can’t have too many volunteers and it’s a great fellowship opportunity! There is always a likelihood that Doug will lead anyone who wants to join him in the swilling of a beer or three afterward…….;)
- Vickie Hardcastle announced the upcoming Foundation Dinner South November 6th. Also, she reminded the club membership of the matching funds available for donations to the foundation.
McMillan and Tolin-true Giants fans
Wayne Rowlands then took a few moments to share photos of the World Pillow Fighting Championship held last Saturday in Rohnert Park. A great turnout of Rotarian volunteers (and Hooters girls) joined together and helped make this event a success. More information to come as available….
- Karen Ball announced that the meat auction and social would be held October 16th. Also, she asked interest of club members in having a Rotary social at 6th Street Playhouse in May for a dress rehearsal of a musical. More on this later…
- Don McMillan, dressed in a garish Giants shirt was joined by Jack Tolin (wearing similar garb) and led us in singing “Take me out to the Ballgame” in anticipation of the Giants dismantling of the Pittsburgh Pirates in the Wild Card one game playoff Wednesday night. DID YOU SEE THAT GAME?????? Kinda felt sorry for the Pirates fans – they looked so sad…….
Dan Bornstein was recognized for his Beatles “Revolver” tie and was the recipient of a couple of Rotary Bux.
Dan Bornstein, fresh off his tie recognition then introduced our speaker, Jim Wood, DDS. Using some rather gross, graphic photos, Dr. Wood shared with us his passion for Forensic Dentistry. Over the years, Dr. Wood has worked many different types of cases including identifying victims whose bodies have been badly decomposed over time, burned beyond recognition or disfigured in some other gruesome way.
As a member of the Federal Disaster team, Dr. Wood has traveled the country to help identify victims of attacks such as 911 in New York and large scale natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. In addition, he is also called by law enforcement to gather forensic evidence in open criminal cases, examining bite marks on victims. In addition, he has worked cases identifying bites marks from wild animals such as a fatal attack of a cougar on a woman a number of years ago.
Overall, a very interesting, somewhat gruesome program.

Doctors Dan Bornstein, Jim Wood (our speaker for today), Nicole Le & and Jack Tolin
Due to the length required for the Legacy Committee to make their presentations, only pre-approved announcements may be made on October 8th. In order to allow maximum time for the City Council candidates,
No club business will be done at the October 15th meeting. We will go straight from the pledge and invocation to the candidate’s forum. If you wish to make an announcement please send it for inclusion in the Santa Rosarian and feel free to distribute written information on the tables prior to the meeting.
President Mark thanks the following Rotarians for their help at today’s meeting:
Lunch Sales: Ann Gospe & Joy Parker
Lunch ticket taker: Gary Vice
Greeters: Mykha’el Wilson & Rick Allen
Raffle: Robby Fouts
Microphone Jockey: Cathy Vicini
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Doug Johnson, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini