DIGITAL EDITION No. 70 April 2, 2014 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program For April 9th

Nicole Vice, Membership Sales Manager for REACH
REACH Air Medical Services, headquartered in Santa Rosa, California, provides helicopter and airplane patient transportation for critically ill or injured patients. REACH has bases in Concord, Imperial, Lakeport, Marysville, Oceanside, Redding, Sacramento, Santa Rosa, Stockton, Thermal, and Upland, California, as well as Corvallis, Oregon. In 2012, REACH was acquired by Air Medical Group Holdings and is now part of the largest air membership program in the nation with over 200 bases in 30 states. Nicole Vice is the Membership Sales Manager for REACH and will be discussing their REACH for Life membership program and the many benefits it provides to people in this community.
April 16: Elder Abuse
April 23: Special Evening Event
April 30: Open Space District
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President Peggy welcomed all present to the FINEST Rotary Club in District 5130. The pledge was led by Bob Sorenson. Rich de Lambert then gave the invocation.
Yale Abrams presided over visiting Rotarians. Today, Roger Olson from Healdsburg Club blessed us with an appearance. Good to see you, Roger!
Alan Siedenfeld was a guest today of Keven Brown.
President Peggy reported that Genie Delles, a longtime member of the club who is on a leave of absence while battling cancer has just finished chemotherapy and will soon have a bone marrow transplant. Our prayers and happy thoughts are with Genie and her spirits are high as she is in “warrior mode” battling her disease.

Cathy Vicini and Bart Eddy
Bart Eddy hit the ground running as a new Rotarian by presiding over today’s raffle. Cathy Vicini was unable to win the $212 pot, but is rich in so many other ways -. family, friends, easy access to lots of great wine and a very charitable heart!
- Doug Johnson gave the Giro Bello report. Doug noted that we are all responsible for bringing in riders and sponsors to make our event the financial success we know it can be. Lots of signs are available. If you know of a high traffic spot with great visibility, grab a sign at a Rotary meeting! Also, volunteers are needed to man the Giro Bello table at the following events :
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- May 3rd – Wine Country Century
- May 10th – Human Race
- May 17th – Petaluma Rotary Club’s “ Backroads Challenge” bike event. This is a trade out for their help in promoting Giro Bello.
Please contact Doug Johnson or Don McMillan to volunteer.
Upcoming Giro Bello related events:
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- 7:30 AM Friday April 4th – Meeting at Gesine Franchetti’s new Rosso Eventi Restaurant on Dutton Avenue. (If you haven’t been there yet, you gotta check this place out!)
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- 5pm Friday April 15th. The Giro Bello Committee will be presenting a framed Giro Bello jersey to Lagunitas Brewery as a thank you for their generous beer donations at every GB event. We might lift a pint or two while we’re there! Feel free to join us.
And speaking of sponsorships……
Doug commended Tim Delaney for his personally being responsible for $4,200 in sponsorships. That, my friends is how you become a Rotarian of the Month! Doug announced the need for volunteers to man our GB table at the following:

Debi Zaft sings Happy birthday while Ginny Cannon listens
Elizabeth Karbousky showered gifts upon the Rotarians who were born in April. Those present who are celebrating April birthdays are: Gesine Franchetti, Debi Zaft and Ginny Cannon.
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- Julia Parranto asked for our members to be sure and use their social media contacts to promote Giro Bello. Everyone who has a Facebook account should be using it to recruit riders and/or sponsors!
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- Cathy Vicini asked for a show of hands for those who will be attending our evening social/fundraiser on April 23rd at the Flaming-O. She encouraged the membership to donate items for the live and silent auctions. There will also be surprise raffle prizes. $25 gets you in, folks. This event will take the place of our regular Wednesday noon meeting and family members are more than welcome to attend.
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- Debi Zaft announced that May 2nd would be our next regular club social. She is looking for a winery in which to have this event.
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- Wayne Rowlands shared that tomorrow night (Thursday, April 3rd) would be the next Rotary Means Business meeting. The meeting will take place at Stanley Steemer in Rohnert Park.

Elizabeth Karbousky is Rotarian of the month with Peggy Soberanis
This gal has been active in the club since she started with us last year. She helped with the monthly birthdays and then took charge after her co-chair had to drop out. She hasn’t missed a beat. She is active in the World Community Service Committee and has committed to being a lead for a rest stop at Giro Bello. This young woman is a rising star in Rotary. The Rotarian of the Month is Elizabeth Karbousky.
President Peggy explained to newer members about paying “fines”, otherwise known innocently as “recognitions”. Rotarians have the choice of directing the fine money to the club (which will be deducted from your semi-annual club dues), or the local Club Foundation, Rotary Foundation, Paul Harris, Scholarships, Polio Plus, all of which are considered tax deductible contributions. These contributions do NOT qualify for credit against your semi-annual dues.
A number of “regular” recognitions were made including:
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- Stephen Passalaqua, Cathy Vicini and Julia Parranto who had some sort of a three way admiration thing going that was too complicated for me to follow. Anyway money changed hands, backs were slapped and the club ended up with more cash to spend on good deeds.
- Diane Moresi celebrated the 5th year of life for her beautiful granddaughter Molly by donating $100 to Molly’s Paul Harris.
- Mike Kallhoff was recognized for $25 worth of TV stardom. More about that in an upcoming program!
- Bob Higgs paid $25 and said, “It’s for the kids”. Bob has been working with the Junior Achievement program for a number of years.
Then the Happy Dollars started to flow! 10 bucks buys you a confession.
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- Matt Everson jumped all over that (even trying unsuccessfully to get it down to 5 bucks) saying that he has the governor of a Brazilian state picking him up the airport on his upcoming trip. Way to work the Rotary networking, Matt!
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- Elizabeth Karbousky took advantage of the happy bucks to announce she now has a new hybrid. (I think that’s a car).
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- Don McMillan recognized his better half, Jackie for her tennis prowess that was on display for a couple days in the desert at Indian Wells.
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- Ann Gospe celebrated the final chemo treatment for a friend with a $10 Happy Dollar donation.
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- Rich de Lambert spent a week or so in Oregon and somehow was surprised that it was raining – IT’S OREGON, RICH! THAT’S WHAT IS IT DOES!
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- PP Queen Jeanne proudly announced that her daughter Laura is singing in a production of Little Shop of Horrors at the Sonoma Community Center.

Mark Burchill explains strategic plan 2
Today’s meeting is a club discussion of our strategic plan. This is what came from the club members. Did the leadership hear you right? As Jose Guillen said, “This was the easy part. The hard part will be the implementation!”
Strategic Plan-2013/14 – 2016/17 Our Mission:
To improve the quality of life in our community and throughout the world through service above self, collaboration and fellowship, strong commitment to high ethical personal and professional standards, and promotion of goodwill, understanding and peace throughout Rotary International.
Our Vision:
To become a premier Rotary Club within District 5130 by demonstrating effectiveness in all areas of service, attracting and retaining diverse membership, actively pursuing collaboration and innovation to achieve excellent results, and promoting the well-being and leadership potential for our youth.
Goal 1: Promote, attract, and retain a highly diverse club membership with a strong commitment to service above self and high ethical standards.
Objectives and Strategies:
• Records and Outreach Committee to explore ways to promote our club among diverse segments of our community, professions, and other unmet categories;
• Membership Development and Retention Committee to implement plan to educate members about Rotary, as well as, recruit, mentor and coach new members;
• Club Meetings Committee to implement a plan that provides a forum for productive, informative, interesting, and fun programs that attract more members, guests, and potential members to the meetings and inject vitality to our fellowship;
• Member Activities Committee to implement a plan that provides an opportunity for members to socialize, network and expand friendships through family socials, club sports, and promoting our accomplishments and programs at the district/international level;
• Develop and institutionalize a plan to promote core principles and ethical standards through the Four-Way Test;
• Recognition of public safety services and contributions to our community.
Goal 2: Through our Five Areas of Service and Service Above Self, Promote and advance the well-being of the youth, elder, and people in need, as well as investing in the leadership development of our community’s youth.
Objectives and Strategies:
• Develop and implement programs that advance our club’s vision and enhance the quality of life for our youth, elder, and people in need. Areas of focus and responsibility for accomplishing this goal include the following:
o High School Recognition
o Interact/RYLA
o 3rd Grade Dictionaries
o Youth in Agriculture
o Youth Exchange
o Ambassadorial Scholarship
o Four-Way Test and Schools
o Senior Services
o Disability Awareness
o Veterans Program
o Charitable Projects
o Bell Ringing
o Children’s Christmas
o Hands-on Projects
Goal 3: Achieve and sustain financial stability through sound club management, innovative and effective fund-raising programs, and long-term prudent investments.
Objectives and Strategies:
• Develop and implement programs that advance our club’s vision and enhance the club’s ability to fund approved projects and programs, as well as, sustain our club’s long-term vitality and solid financial foundation. Areas of focus and responsibility for accomplishing this goal include the following:
o Fund Raising Committee
▪ Giro Bello
▪ World Pillow Fighting Championships
o Legacy Project
o Rotary International Foundation
o Local Foundation
o Marketing/Public Relations
Thanks to today’s meeting helpers:
Pledge: Bob Sorenson
Invocation: Rich de Lambert
Greeters: Ginny Cannon and Jose Guillen
Visiting Rotarians: Yale Abrams
Raffle: Bart Eddy
Ticket Collector: Mike Kallhoff
Ticket Sales Assist.: Eunice Valentine
Remembrance: Teri Shaunessey, club member 2005-07 died of cancer on March 19th.
“A man who does not think and plan long ahead will find trouble right at his door.”
Confucius (BC551-BC479) Chinese philosopher
“Plan more than you can do, then do it. Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it. Hitch your wagon to a star, keep your seat, and there you are.”
Unknown source
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Peggy Soberanis, President Elect: Mark Burchill, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Bill Rousseau, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Ron D. Burton, member of the Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Governor, District 5130
Helaine Campbell, Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Matt Fannin, Jose Guillen, Doug Johnson, Nicole Le, Robert Pierce, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini