Next meeting
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Snoopy’s Ice Arena
Rosemary Giacomini & Renee Donmon
Wednesday January 29: Annual Club Meeting
Wednesday February 5: Acupuncturist in Santa Rosa
Wednesday February 12: tbd
Wednesday February 19: tbd
Wednesday February 26: Global Rotaract Alum Club
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
More socials coming soon.
For more details and additional events, see the Announcements section below.
For pictures and descriptions of previous socials and other events click here.
More socials, projects, & events coming soon!
Opening The Meeting
President Casey opened the meeting “Welcome to the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa where the magic of Rotary is alive as we continue to do good in our world and have fun doing it.”
Rose Frances led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Her Reflection was two quotes from Martin Luther King, “We must learn to live together as brothers (and sisters), or we will perish together as fools.”
“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” He also said, “Not everybody can be famous, but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.”
Joe Hernandez (who has turned in an application for membership), Mele and Kent Pervis, and Kusuma Putri Saraswati aka Saras, our Rotary Exchange Student
Sunshine Report:
Norm and Bev Owen’s memorial is on Saturday January 18 in Healdsburg.
Los Angeles Wildfires:
Rotary District 5300 Foundation (Fed Tax ID 95-4768286): is accepting donations for wildfire relief: Rotary District 5300 Foundation, 10624 S. Eastern Avenue A16, Henderson, NV 89052. Please put “Wildfire Disaster Relief” in the memo line.
50/50 Drawing:
Ray Giampaoli said there was a pot of $80.00 and 8 marbles in the bag. Ann Gospe had the right ticket, but she pulled a yellow marble. The pot rolls over.
January Birthdays:
Ted Wilmsen, Pete Lescure, Steve Olson, and Jeff Gospe were recognized. However, we had at least one more, Michael Moore. Michael was missing because his profile in DACdb is not complete. So, a reminder to all, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A COMPLETE PROFILE IN DACdb. Don’t know how? Ask Debi Zaft.
Book of Why?
Signups are now available. Please sign up for two schools. The books will be here next week. President Casey wants them delivered before the end of February.
The Rotary Club of Glen Ellen-Kenwood is hosting the monthly SCARC meeting. This month it will be January 30, 2025, at the Wild Oak Saddle Club. The cost is $65.00. The guest speaker is club member James Alexander, Director of Sonoma County’s Homeless Services Division. He will speak on the singularity of need both at home and in Zimbabwe where their club assisted the Rotary club of St Helena with a clean water project.
Please email Catherine Jefferson, [email protected] or call 707-484-7228 by January 21. You can pay in advance by mailing a check, made out to GEK Rotary to PO Box 91, Kenwood, CA 95492, or bring a check to the dinner or pay with a credit card when you arrive. The Saddle Club is located at 550 Oak Drive in Oakmont.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation: Scholarship Program
The Foundation is accepting applications for our various scholarships, now through March 1, 2025. Visit for details. (Click Here for the flyer)
An Alternative Fundraiser?
Patty Kolin brought to the club the idea of getting a booth at the annual Christmas Craft Fair. Those in the club (and friends/family) who are crafty and/or artistic could make things to sell. 3000-4000 people attend this fair every year. It would not replace the Giro Bello, but it would help our budget!
Rotary Peace Conference January 24, 25, 26, 2025
It is sold out! 320 people will be attending
Recognitions, etc…
Robert Pierce recognized President Casey for not wearing a Rotary pin at the board meeting (It was then suggested if anyone else did not have on a Rotary Pin that you could put some coin into the Polio Pails). Plus, “the flyers are on our desk”? Once a teacher, always a teacher.
Ray Giampaoli’s son has graduated from school in Arizona. He would like to be a paramedic.
Peter Holewinski’s son was just accepted into the MBA program at Carlton College in Minnesota for free!
Craig Meltzner, Keven Brown, and Diane Moresi each donated $100 to the club. I guess they all were at the Santa Rosa Symphony last Sunday.
Jeff Gospe said that Jacob Gospe was accepted into the USC one-month architectural program. He will get three college credits for the class (Hmmmm…. we know Ann is thrilled because it is her alma mater).
BRA Kusuma Putri Saraswati, aka, Saras, Our Youth Exchange Student from Indonesia
Sara’s parents are both Rotarians and her mother was a district governor. Her name is Hindu, she has been raised a Muslem, she attends a Catholic high school in Indonesia. Talk about multicultural! At her school she must wear a uniform, and they have a different one for the five days a week she is in school. She likes the more casual atmosphere in American schools. She enjoys all types of dances. Food portions are much smaller at home than in America. Driving in Indonesia is on the left side of the road.
Her father is from royalty. He has 34 siblings from his grandfather’s 6 wives.
She started speaking English when she was three years old.
Unlike her father, she has 2 sisters and 1 brother. She really wants to see snow and go to Yosemite. When she returns home, she will be going to college and majoring in communications.
Additional Pictures
DIGITAL EDITION No. 574, January 15, 2025 WRITER: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Richard Lazovick PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
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Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Governor, District 5130
Club President
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Casey D’Angelo – President
Kim Murphy – President Elect
Peter Holewinski – President Elect Nominee
Ann Gospe – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Andrea Geary – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
Rich Rossi – Club Service – Public Image
Heather Thurber – Club Services – Local Service
Kim Murphy – Club Service – Club Administration
Rick Allen – International Service
Mary Graves – Foundation Representative