Next meeting
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Community Foundation Of Sonoma County
Oscar Chavez
Oscar’s life began as an 8 year old undocumented immigrant with hardship and poverty and transitioned into a story of perseverance, success and paying it forward as he is now the President and CEO of the Community Foundation of Sonoma County. He will tell his personal story as well as the philanthropic work he is involved with locally.
Wednesday May 1: Public Safety Awards
Wednesday May 8: SRJC Scholarship Recognitions
Wednesday May 15: Redwood Empire Foster Parent Association
Wednesday May 22: International Committee
Wednesday May 29: Dark for 5th Wednesday
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
–> 5/8/24 – Redwood Empire Food Bank – 2nd Wednesday of the month. The next one is this week: May 8th – 5 PM – 7 PM
–> The Giro Bello is just around the corner! June 29, 2024. Register to reserve your spot for one of the most scenic and fun bike rides on the West Coast – Now with a new start and finish, the Luther Burbank Center in Santa Rosa. Click here for more info and to register.
SRJC Rotaract Fundraiser – You can make your donations here: Click here to donate
SRJC and Sonoma State Rotaract members support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. If you would like to donate, you can make a donation here.
For pictures and descriptions of previous socials and other events click here.
For more details and additional events, see the Announcements section below.
More socials, projects, & events coming soon!
See the Announcements section below.
Opening Ceremonies
“Welcome to the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa where we are having fun while doing good in our world.” says President Ann.
Steve Marburger led us in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test…..yes, we are having fun! Steve Marburger’s Reflection was a couple of quotes on science: “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that. I wish I had more years left.” Thomas Edison
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead.
Terry Sanders, our guest speaker and son-in-law of Doug Landin, and Julie Nation was a guest of Mary Graves (she was once a member of Rotary a long time ago). Patty Kolin was here today too. The board will be voting on her membership soon!
Sunshine Report:
Norm Owen has been moved into a home for additional assistance. See Debi Zaft for his address. It is best to visit early in the day. Kim Murphy just had surgery for a kidney stone.
Opportunity Drawing:
Today we had 6 marbles and $86.00 in the pot. Our guest, Julie Nation, had the right ticket, but she pulled a yellow marble. The pot rolls over to next week,
- President Ann announced again about the Project Day at Roseland Collegiate Prep and Roseland University Prep. If you can volunteer for just a few hours, it would be very helpful. See your email for details.
- The District Conference is from May 17-18. Tom Boyland sent out the invitation to sign up for all, or part, of the conference on Friday, April 12th at 8:00am. Please sign up for part or all of the conference. It will be fun and educational.
- Social! On Thursday, May 9th we will be at Corrick’s from 5:00 – 7:00. Bring a dessert or appetizer to share. Beverage too. Click here for flyer.
- Social! On Sunday, June 2nd we will have a social at Kim Murphy’s home in Forestville. Details to follow.
- **Giro Bello we only have $11,000 in sponsorships thus far. We would like $50,000. So, it is really important that we all get one sponsor for the ride. Remember they will get lots of publicity, at least two free rides and a booth at the Luther Burbank Center to promote their business.
- SCARC, the Sonoma County Area Rotary Clubs meeting will be on April 25th. Reservations must be made by April 21st. It will be at the Wild Oak Saddle Club and the guest speaker will be talking about suicide prevention in “Tell My Story.” See Debi Zaft to make a reservation. The cost is $50.00. Click here for flyer
Jeff and Ann Gospe’s son, Jacob, just turned 15. For his birthday they wanted to do something special. Jacob has always enjoyed 1980’s music so they surprised him with a quick trip to San Diego to see Billy Joel. Sting was the opening act! They each donated $100.00 to Polio Plus.
Diane Moresi’s granddaughter, Mollie, just turned 15 too, so she is donating $100 to Polio Plus in her honor.
Patty Kolin brought back a lovely table runner from her and Jeff’s Mexican vacation. Bidding was brisk and Debi Zaft got it for $60.00
Plastics Challenge
Steve Marburger presented the Plastics Challenge: You may have heard about the District 5130 Plastics Challenge. Plastics pollution is not just an annoying pollution issue; the critical part of this problem is the compounding rate at which plastic waste is going into our finite environment. Plastic almost never fully degrades, it just breaks down to microplastic which goes into our food chain and the air we breathe. We all have to start someplace to solve this problem, and the District Plastics Challenge will be an educational and inspirational way to see how we can each make a difference. The challenge begins next Sunday (April 21) and everyone is invited to take part. For more details, click here
The Luther Burbank Parade and Festival is back!
Doug Landin’s son-in-law, Terry Sanders is leading the first parade since Covid shut it down. Terry is a retired firefighter, EMT/paramedic, and former candidate for the Santa Rosa City Council just to say a few things about him. He moved to Santa Rosa after he retired from the Oakland Fire Department. He bought a home in the Fountaingrove area and lost it in the Tubbs Fire. He and his family now live on MacDonald Avenue in the former home of Helen Rudy. He has the whole history of the house going back to its construction in 1931.
Our Rose Parade was started in 1893 (three years after the Pasadena Rosa Parade). The theme this year is “A Trek Through Time.” The parade and its participants will be focused on the past, present and future of Santa Rosa. Snoopy will be the Grand Marshall.
Terry used the Four-Way Test to describe the parade and festival: Is it the truth? It is happening! Will it be fair to all concerned? Yes, everyone is invited. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Certainly! Will it be beneficial to all concerned? 2000 participants in 80+/- entrants. Definitely! Will it be fun? Darn tootin’ it will be! The parade starts at the corner of Brookwood and Fourth Streets. It will proceed down Fourth to the Plaza. A Festival will follow at Courthouse Square right after the parade. Everything is free except food and beverages. There will be sack races, a hobby horse obstacle race and a pie eating contest (just to name a few of the activities during the festival. Terry strongly suggested that we could sponsor the pie eating contest by donating blueberry pies for the contest. He is attempting to get two camels for the heck of it. As for our club’s history with the parade, we first participated in 1996 (?) and had a float. In 2012 we marched in the parade. Sam McMillan is sure our club and club members were active with the parade in the past. One thing that won’t be part of the parade; no political candidates allowed. For more information got to
Additional Pictures:
Click on the picture below to see more great candid portraits and pictures from the meeting.
DIGITAL EDITION No. 544, April 17, 2024 WRITER: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Richard Rossi & Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
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Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Governor, District 5130
Club President
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Ann Gospe – President
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect
(awaiting confirmation) – President Elect Nominee
Kris Anderson – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
(Open) – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbon – Club Services – Local Service
(Open) – Club Service – Records and Outreach
(Open) – Member Involvement
(Open) — Community – Service – Youth
(Open) – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative