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Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Travelog with Photos of Recent
Gospe Adventures in Australia & Southeast Asia
Jeff Gospe
This past summer, following the Rotary International Convention in Melbourne, Australia, Jeff Gospe joined incoming Santa Rosa Rotary President Ann Gospe with their 14-year-old son, Jacob, to travel the south coast of Australia along the Great Ocean Road through the States of Victoria and South Australia, then to Sydney & Queensland as Ann then returned home to start her Rotary year.
Jeff and Jacob ventured on for another two weeks in Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam. He will present an informative travelog with photos and videos of their adventures across Australia and Southeast Asia, hopefully inspiring you to one day visit some of these same places.
Wednesday November 22: Dark for Thanksgiving
Wednesday November 29: Book “Inflamed” – Varenna & Villa Capri – The Tubbs Fire
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
Redwood Empire Food Bank – 2nd Wednesday of the month. The next one is December 13th – 5 PM – 7 PM
SRJC Rotaract Fundraiser – You can make your donations here: Click here to donate
SRJC and Sonoma State Rotaract members support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. If you would like to donate, you can make a donation here.
For more details and additional events, see the Announcements section below.
More socials, projects, & events coming soon!
Rotary Announcements
See the Announcements section below.
Opening Ceremonies:
“Welcome to the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa where we are honoring our Veterans that served our Country,” said President Ann Gospe. Former President Fred Levin was our emcee for the day. First up was the “” followed by the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Paul Hamilton gave the reflection which was the reciting of the “Veteran’s Prayer.”
Visiting Rotarians:
Gary Lucas and Jim Wieschendorff from the Rotary East/West
Mike Camp, a Navy veteran, Jodi Giampaoli (a recipient of the Civilian Compensation medal from the California National guard for her support and service to the National Guard troops during the Tubbs Fire). Steve Graves, Blaine Goodwin and Congressman Mike Thompson
Words from Congressman Mike Thompson
Congressman Thompson asked a staff member how she dealt with a deployed family member? It is really a difficult dilemma that all families have. Answer: Call your mom every day. He told us about getting his haircut and the person doing the job asked him, “How would you like it cut?” Needless to say, he got the same buss cut that all new recruits get. He talked about Veterans that are homeless, jobless and/or without health care saying there was no excuse. Congressman Thompson was proud that his support of the PACT Act of 2022 which authorized $797 billion to significantly improve healthcare access and funding for veterans that were exposed to toxic substances during their military service. Also, the COMPACT Act which expands help to Veterans suffering from depression. 22 Veterans commit suicide every day. He ended his comments with a quote from President Kennedy, “Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.”
(Please note, your bulletin editor may have not gotten every detail of the following correct. My apologies)
Major Ann Ebert Gospe, Marine Corp:
In the 1980’s there were not many women in the Marine Corp. Women made up 2% of the officers at that time and the men above them made their lives difficult. No exception to Ann. Her men that she commanded made-up for all the grief a certain commanding officer gave her. If not for them, she would not have stuck it out as long as she did. Her battalion went to war during Desert Storm, so she spent time in Kuwait and Saudia Arabia. She was not allowed to go with them to fight but did sneak up to visit. Back in the United States the same commanding officer continued to make her life difficult, but she stuck to her men and the Marine Corp. In 1994 she walked away from her career when the before mentioned SOB made it more difficult to advance. Not an easy thing to do.
Ray Giampaoli, Army Veteran:
Ray went into the Army Reserves in 1984 while attending Sacramento State University to help pay for college. In 1988 he went to Officer Training School with the understanding that he could get a full commission for active duty in Korea, but his reserve force contact kept him out. He fought it and then looked to get active duty by volunteering to go to Africa. But again, no room for him. Very frustrating! He gave up his quest for special forces for Jodi and family after 14 years in the Reserves and retired.
Gary Lucas:
Gary ended up in bootcamp 2 months after turning 17 years old. He was eventually out on 3-day maneuvers when the Gulf of Tomkin happened in August 1964. Needless to say, he did not go home. He was among the first troops in Viet Nam. He was on some type of ship that was damaged and was towed to Korea, Yokohama and into dry dock. When it was time to re-up, he would be promoted to E5, but he was not interested. Unemployed it was suggested that he apply to the circus as they were hiring. He went to work for the circus!
Ted Wilmsen – Future Helicopter Pilot?
Ted really wanted to be a helicopter pilot, but you had to be 20.5 years old to train. So, he ended being a fixed wing mechanic at Fourt Houston in Virginia and later to Germany. He took every advantage to travel while he was in Europe.
Fred Levin, Air Force 1962:
He was at Andrews Airforce base when they activated the Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar back into service. October 1963 was the Cuban Missile Crisis 67 troops and equipment, and 16 aircraft were ferried to Cherry Point, North Carolina and later transferred to Homestead Air force Base in Florida to be ready to go to war with Cuba/USSR. Oc October 25, there came a conclusion to the incident and a treaty was signed November 22, 1962. Exactly one year later, President Kenedy was assassinated.
Jim Green, US Navy:
In 1962 Jîm graduated from dental school and was offered a commission to the Naval Academy. He could have ended up in a MASH unit, but no. He spent his two years in Seattle at the Navy Base. He recalls sending enough trucks to Viet Nam to give every Vietnamese their own truck! He served an additional 8 years in the reserves. It really was a band of brothers.
Barry Silberg, Army Medical Officer:
Barry was a medical officer in the Army from 1968 to 1972. He gave new recruits their medical exams. In Germany he lived in a variety of little towns. He said the army did this to change German society that had not changed much since World War II. By having recruits in lots of little towns it gave the German people a more positive look at American soldiers. Barry said it was a pleasure to serve.
Sam McMillan, Chaplain’s Assistant:
Sam says he was majoring in “Monkey business” at Santa rosa Junior College. His draft number came up, but he was able to get a deferment. In 1966 he was in Morocco as a student for a year. When he got back Uncle Sam was waiting for him so in 1967, he was in the Army. He was sent to Fort Lewis for training to be a Warrant Officer, but that was going to be four more years, so he was a chaplain’s assistant. He served under 5 Chaplains. He played the piano and did a lot of typing.
Robert Pierce, Sniper?
Robert was in art school in 1964 at the college of Marin. He knew nothing about Viet Nam. The Army was fun “for about one minute.” He was a top shooter, so he was to train as a sniper, for domestic use. No way, so he became a chaplain’s assistant. 1965/1966 he finally realized that Viet Nam was serious trouble. As a chaplain’s assistant he talked to soldiers before they left for Viet Nam. He took care of their families and their bereavements.
Thank you one and all for your service to our country
Program Slides
(No program slides this week)
Club Job Openings:
Need a person on the board for Vocational Service Recognition
Additional Pictures:
Click on the picture below to see more great pictures from the meeting.
DIGITAL EDITION No. 524, November 10, 2023 WRITER: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
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Governor, District 5130
Club President
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Ann Gospe – President
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect
(awaiting confirmation) – President Elect Nominee
Kris Anderson – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
(Open) – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbon – Club Services – Local Service
(Open) – Club Service – Records and Outreach
(Open) – Member Involvement
(Open) — Community – Service – Youth
(Open) – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative