Next meeting
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Rotary in Action in Wartime Ukraine

Denys Andrushchenko

Imagine your first child being born 11 days before Russia invades Ukraine, then four months later you become president of your local Rotary Club!

Hear directly from Denys Andrushchenko, a dynamic, 29-year-old Rotary leader who has traveled 8,000 miles from Cherkasy, Ukraine to share first-hand about life in wartime Ukraine and how Rotarians have come together to make life better.

Learn how our local Rotary Clubs and District have made a difference in partnership with his Rotary Club and how a network of volunteer Rotarians gets things done despite overwhelming challenges.

Wednesday November 1: Wetlands to Workforce: Saying Yes! to Life
Wednesday November 8: Substituted for multi-club Vet’s Day on the 10th
Wednesday November 10: Multi-club Veterans Day event
Wednesday November 15: Report & Photos about Recent Trip to Australia & Southeast Asia
Wednesday November 22: Dark for Thanksgiving

Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).


Redwood Empire Food Bank – 2nd Wednesday of the month.  The next one is November 8th – 5 PM – 7 PM

SRJC Rotaract Fundraiser – You can make your donations here: Click here to donate

SRJC and Sonoma State Rotaract members support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. If you would like to donate, you can make a donation here.

NOTE: Club Dark & Social – On the 5th Wednesday of a month, the Club is dark. There will be a social on the following Saturday each month, there is a 5th Wednesday.

For more details and additional events, see the Announcements section below.

More socials, projects, & events coming soon!

Rotary Announcements

See the Announcements section below.

Opening the Meeting

President Ann Gospe opened up the meeting by inviting Matthew Henry up to do the Pledge, 4-Way Test and a reflection. [Editors note: It feels really awkward to write about myself in the third-person but that’s what happens when you’re asked to write the bulletin and kick off the meeting on the same day. I really should plan better.] Matthew led a raucous Pledge and then took the time to explain how to knock out the 4-Way Test most efficiently. The club dutifully played along and we got through that with nary a scrape. Finally, it was time to do the reflection and Matthew noted that it was National Thesaurus Day and proceeded to share a great, awesome, superb, stupendous, exceptional, marvelous and wonderful opening thought.

Visiting Rotarians and Guests

It turns out Marisa Binder, our guest speaker, is also a Rotarian. She is a member of the Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley and seemed impressed by the enthusiasm of our club so maybe we could steal her away.

Richard Allen introduced his two guests, who also happened to be his bankers at Luther Burbank Savings. Crystal, the Branch Manager, and Rose the Private Banker, were showered with applause. Maybe they’ll even come back.


The Sunshine report was a mixed bag. We learned that former member Peggy Sobranis’ husband passed away this week. Our hearts go out to her. We also learned that Bill Hatcher contracted COVID while on a cruise which I think is the only thing guaranteed to happen on a cruise these days. Hopefully he’ll feel better soon. And finally, some better news. Past President Kris Anderson’s husband has recovered so well from his hospital stay that he’s now recuperating in Mexico with Kris. Andele!

Opportunity Drawing

The esteemed Casey D’Angelo was handling the raffle and announced a pot of $341. I could do a lot with $341 dollars. I could buy a few nice bottles of bourbon. Or maybe take my wife out to a nice meal. Or maybe buy a bunch of those mystery boxes on Amazon! At any rate, while I was daydreaming about winning $341, Scott Bartley actually had his ticket drawn. With 7 yellow marbles and 1 blue marble, the odds weren’t in his favor. Yet the lucky SOB pulled the damn blue marble and now I will have to wait another month or so before I can buy mystery boxes on Amazon. Scott was kind enough to donate $100 to Rotary. No word on how he will spend the remaining $241 but I’ll send him my Amazon wish list just in case.



President Ann started off by reading the statement that Rotary International put out regarding the conflict in Gaza. You can find the statement by here:

Jeff Gospe then reminded us that there will be a welcome reception at Gospe Manor for Denys Andrushchenko, from the Rotary Club of Cherkasky-Centre in the Ukraine, on Sunday, October 22nd from 3:30 to 6:30pm. He will also be our keynote speaker next week.

Debi Zaft informed us of the Rotary District 5130 Foundation Gala Masquerade Ball. It’s Saturday, October 28th from 5-10pm at the Barra of Mendocino Winery. Cost is $85 per person and formal masquerade attire is preferred. But I’d just show up in a Batman mask. It’s almost the same thing. A 3-course dinner is included. For questions, contact Jennifer Strong at [email protected].

Debi also mentioned something about a raffle basket that you can purchase tickets for $20 to go towards a Paul Harris and that the Club will match every dollar you spend up to $300. Susan Nowacki started us off with a generous donation. That’s all I got on this. I probably should have been paying closer attention but frankly I was too busy trying to spell Andrushchenko.

Past President Ray Giampoli reminded us that the Redwood Gospel Mission is collecting coats. Bring a coat to a meeting or let Ray know and he’ll pick it up. We all have that one coat we think we’ll wear but we never do. Maybe it’s time to donate it this year.

Ann mentioned the meat auction is now scheduled for November 2nd from 5:30 to 7:30pm at the Kim Murphy Party Pad/Ranch. You can RSVP to Nona Lucas.

Fred Levin reminded us all that we will not have a meeting on November 8th but, instead, will meet on November 10th for the Rotary Veterans program. Unfortunately, Congressman Thompson will not be able to speak so they are still looking for a keynote speaker. I nominate a Ray/Ann combo but we might be there until the evening so perhaps that’s not the best idea.

Peter Holewinski shared that the SRJC Rotaract Club raised $2,000 in support of the NAMI walk last week. Very impressive!

Sam McMillan and President Ann traveled to Eureka for the Centennial Anniversary of the Eureka Rotary Club. The story goes that they were sponsored by the San Francisco Rotary Club and that it took two days and four blown tires to get to Eureka. I’m sure it didn’t take that long to get to Eureka for Sam and Ann but word has it that Ann changed at least two blown tires on the way up. The highlight was that the Eureka club donated $100,000 to expand programs in the culinary arts for kids and adults. Everyone knows we need more high-end chefs around here.

Tasia Robles Hernandez updated us on all the great things that the SRJC Rotoract is doing and shared that they meet every other Friday at the SRJC Rotary Room. You’re all invited!


Ann pulled up Heather Thurber and exchanged her red badge for a blue one! I’m pretty sure she got that badge in record time. The woman does not mess around!

Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker was Marisa Binder, VP of Development, for the Hanna Institute. Marisa shared the mission of the Hanna Institute is “Hanna transforms the lives of youth, families and communities impacted by trauma and adversity through resilience, connection and spiritual wellness.”

Marisa shared that Hanna was founded over 75 years ago to support abandoned and orphaned boys from World War II that had traumatic backgrounds. Recently they’ve made some major changes to their model. They have created a mental health hub that will serve the entire community, hiring 16 staff including bilingual clinicians. They have also created transitional housing for youth ages 16-24 to support them as they learn how to live independently.

They also have switched their school from a Catholic private school at a “non-public school” that accepts kids with behavioral issues that traditional schools cannot handle. They have their first girl student now and she is a “pistol” and all the boys are scared of her. Which is how it should be.

These changes have allowed them to expand their impact whereas they once would serve 108 boys each year, they anticipate serving over 2,200 people this year alone.

Program Slides

(Click on picture below to view some of this week’s slides)

Click on above image to view some of this week’s slides

Club Job Openings:

Need a person on the board for Vocational Service Recognition

Additional Pictures:

Click on the picture below to see more fun pictures from the meeting.

Click on above image to view some of this week’s meeting pictures


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Governor, District 5130

Tom Boylan DG - 2023-2024

Tom Boylan DG – 2023-2024

Club President

President Ann Gospe 2023-2024


Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

Ann Gospe – President
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect
(awaiting confirmation) – President Elect Nominee
Kris Anderson – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
(Open) – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbon – Club Services – Local Service
(Open) – Club Service – Records and Outreach
(Open) – Member Involvement
(Open) — Community – Service – Youth
(Open) – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative

DIGITAL EDITION No. 521, October 18, 2023  EDITOR: Matthew Henry PHOTOGRAPHER: Richard Rossi & Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick