SRJC Rotaract officers and Rotary counselors have key spot at SRJC President’s retirement dinner.
The Rotaract officers received certificates signed by President Dr. Frank Chong.
Present were:
Rotaract Leaders President Micaela Baquero, VP Julian Gussart, Liaison Brennan Noriega, & Treasurer Donovan Collins
Rotary Advisors Mary Graves, Rick Allen, & Odalis Medianero
Guests: Richard Lazovick, Trish Allen, & Steve Graves
(Click on images below to expand and to see all pictures)
Rotaract officers receive certificates at president president Chong’s retirement dinner
Rotaract officers receive certificates at president president Chong’s retirement dinner
Steve Olson with Rotarct Leaders
Donavan Julian Micael & Odalis
Rotaract officers and rotary counselors have key spot at SRJC presidents retirement dinner
L->R Advisor Odalis, Treasurer Donovan, Liaison Brennan, VP Julian, President Micaela
Rotaract President Micaela & VP Julian
Rotarians & Rotaracts with Steve Olson 2
President’s Address & Picture Card