Next meeting
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Sculpture Garden @ Paradise Ridge Winery
Rene Byck
Paradise Ridge Winery, located in Fountaingrove, has an interesting sculpture garden which includes the iconic LOVE sculpture. Co-owner Rene Byck will discuss how his parents started the winery and how the sculpture gardens began.He will show photos of some of the exhibits and talk about the story of Paradise Ridge Winery as well as the important history of Kanaye Nagasawa in Fountaingrove.
To be held at Bennett Valley Golf – in-person only.
Wednesday April 5: Past Presidents Celebration
Wednesday April 12: Epoch Times
Wednesday April 19: History Of Our Rotary Club
Wednesday April 26: Constitution of the United States
Wednesday May 3: Santa Rosa Foundation Scholarship Recipients
Wednesday May 10: Story Of Survival And Resilience Hiding From The Nazi’s
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
Redwood Empire Food Bank – 2nd Wednesday of the month. The next one is April 12th
5 PM – 7 PM
Giro Bello – June 24, 2023 – Register @ Check out the new jersey’s.
New socials, projects, & events coming soon!
Rotary Announcements
May 27 – 31, 2023: The Rotary International Convention will be in Melbourne, Australia. You can sign up now and book you room(s). This will be RI President Jennifer Jones’ convention so it should be epic as the first woman RI president.
NOTE: USEFUL LINKS has moved to the bottom of the bulletin, above the Board of Directors
“Welcome to the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa where we imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.”
Sam McMillian led the opening ceremonies, which included the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. His thought of the day was in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.
“May you always have walls for the wind, a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you, those you love near you and all your heart may desire.”
Wes Daniels, Steve Marburger, and Doug Landin were called forward by President Kris.
Doug was presented with his complete induction packet and Red Badge. Wes Daniels was a member of our club in the past and received his Blue Badge. However, Steve Marburger was a member of our club, but President Kris decided that he should fulfill his Red Badge requirements once again.
Visiting Rotarians
Mary Graves introduced Tasia Hendersen even though she has been a member for about three years. Tasia is our Rotary representative at the Rotary International Convention in Melbourne with our Rotaract Alum group. Tasia is also Michael Cook’s representative for Telemedicine and the treasurer of the SRCJ Rotaract. She attended RYLA as well.
Representing Pepperwood Preserve were Devyn Friedfel, Assistant Preserve Manager, Michael Gillogy, Preserve Manager, and Margaret Boeger, Education Director.
President Kris reported in Ginny Cannon’s absence that Elaine Meltzner is starting an experimental cancer treatment. She also remarked that several Rotarians attended John Vicini’s Celebration of Life on Sunday.
Matthew Henry was the host today and had only $19 in the pot today. Robert Pierce drew the lucky number held by Ann Gospe. Ann drew but didn’t win and donated the consolation prize of $10 to the Polio Pail.
Doug Landin won the Second Chance drawing and selected a Scratcher.
Presentation to Pepperwood
Michael Gillogy, Preserve Manager for 28 years, first came to Pepperwood after working for the Academy of Science. He then worked with Safari West before joining Pepperwood following the Kincaid fires. Steve Olsen and Michael worked together at SRCJ and during the formation of Pepperwood. Steve Olsen knows “everybody”!
Devon Friedfel is the Assistant Preserve Manager and helps lead volunteer work. He described the work that Rotary supports. Pepperwood is a biological field station that does research, active, hands-on management and engages with the community through workshops and stewardship. Rotary supports the Grassland Restoration Projects. Pepperwood staff and volunteers annually plant around 20,000 grasslands “plugs” of the State grass, Purple Needle grass. The root system grows 22 ft. deep and can live to 200 years old. Grasslands can address climate change, topsoil loss, water storage, and drought. The root system stores carbon. Carbon is protected in the root system below ground when a wildfire burns through an area. Topsoil can be held in place during heavy rains to help eliminate slides and reduce erosion. The carbon in the ground acts like a sponge, holds onto the water, and increases retention capacity. It is released during droughts. The grasslands’ root system helps store water in the soil and percolates through the ground. Volunteers and school groups visit Pepperwood and collect seeds, grow them in the greenhouses, and then plant “plugs” of grass. Devon will work with Rotary to set up regular volunteer time.
Margaret Boeger, Education Director, expressed gratitude for the work of Rotary.
She stated that the goal of the Preserve is to inspire conservation through science. Using the 3200-acre reserve, folks of all ages can work to attain the goal. Volunteers and school groups assist with the actual work on the Preserve. They hope to recruit a teen for a four-week science program in June and July.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Donation
President Kris presented a $5,000 check to the Pepperwood staff donated to continue the work at Pepperwood,
District Assembly – The email invitation allows you to select the sessions you want to attend. They will balance the workshops based on this input. It is on Saturday, April 1st, with a Friday night reception.
District Conference – The District Conference is May 4-May 7.
Obie – If you are traveling and would like to take Obie, please see President Kris.
The Kolins returned from their extended trip to Australia and New Zealand with auction items. A beautiful Kiwi shell necklace and Australian prints will be auctioned at the next meeting.
Jeff Kolin recently traveled to Australia and New Zealand, flying 12,500 miles. He donated a penny a mile to the Vicini Family Scholarship Fund for a total of $125.
Ann Gospe called out Jeff Gospe for his new beautiful blue Rivan. In recognition of his purchase, Jeff donated $100 to the Vicini Family Scholarship Fund and $75 for his yet-to-be-assessed recognition fine.
Paul Hamilton informed us that it is National Water Day, and in recognition of the water projects we support in Mexico, he donated $20 to the Club administration fund.
“Raining Cats and Dogs”- A program created by Susan Nowacki after a fun table discussion at a past Rotary meeting was a success. The stories were delightful.
Susan Nowacki shared a story about “Woody,” who walked miles between the new Nowacki resident and the old neighborhood over seven years.
Sam McMillian’s animal presentation was the story of one of the many sheep he cared for during his youth as a member of 4-H. In addition, he referenced several past Rotarians who were an important part of the ag community in Sonoma County.
President Kris shared her favorite pet, a pot-belly pig named Anna, who lived 18 years and knew who he liked and who he didn’t, and he never did like them unless they had a carrot. Anna wanted her privacy and her blankets. She could also could be found eating the leftovers at a party.
Matthew Henry relayed his family cat stories over many years. Through some pet incidents in his childhood, he developed a dislike for pets. When he married, his wife said, “Of course, we must have a pet.” Nutmeg, a tortoiseshell cat from the shelter, was first and lived for 16 years. Next, there was Socks. Socks came from a shelter to keep Nutmeg happy. However, Nutmeg and Socks were not good friends, nor did Socks really like Matthew unless Matthew was sitting in his overstuffed chair reading. Socks died last winter, and Luna, another tortoiseshell cat with an attitude, joined the Henry household.
Jeff Gospe told a brief story about a neighborhood cat when he was young that his dad, Dr. Gospe, treated for an ailment with a dose of morphine. In cats, they then discovered morphine has the opposite effect in animals.
Steve Olsen reported that he has never wanted any pets. So instead, he “shares” other people’s pets. He explained he developed this philosophy after being on the back of an old workhorse as a young child. The old horse got Steve off his back by rubbing against a bobwire fence. As a result, Steve has a long scar on his arm to this day. Currently, Steve’s neighbors look at him as a pet whisper; even though they feed and care for the cats, they still spend all day at the Olsen’s sunning on the porch. The Olsens also have a “god” dog who they visit frequently. Mulligan, the god dog, and Steve constantly play when they are together, whether in the sun at La Quinta or the snow in Tahoe.
Robert Pierce relayed the story of Happy, the rescue cat, who once jumped on the bed and meowed, then would run out of the bedroom, come back and jump on the bed, meow and run out again. As it turned out, the cat was getting their attention to direct them to a fire across the street – a” happy” outcome. At another point in time, while working in his photography studio, Robert said a cat adopted the employees and would show up periodically as a shadow during a photo session. The cat disappeared for a few weeks and returned with a beautiful Siamese cat and, shortly after that, a litter of kittens. Not too subtly, Robert sent the kittens home with a customer a few weeks later.
Program Slides
No program slides this week
Club Job Openings:
Still need a few bulletin writers. Need a person on the board for Vocational Service Recognition
Additional Pictures:
(Click on image below to view many great pictures from this meeting)
President Kris:
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Governor, District 5130
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kris Anderson – President
Ann Gospe – President Elect
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect Nominee
Ray Giampaoli – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
Andrea Geary – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbon – Club Services – Member Activities
Pete Lescure – Club Service – Records and Outreach
Casey Carter – Member Involvement
Mary Graves Community – Service – Youth
Tim Fawcett – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative
DIGITAL EDITION No. 495 March 22, 2023 EDITOR: Diane Moresi PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick