Next meeting
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Puerto Vallarta Water Project
General Meeting
President – Ray Giampaoli
Wednesday, 4/27 will be a general meeting of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa. During this meeting we will have an election of officers for the 2022/23 Rotary year under the presidency of Kris Anderson.
President Elect Nominee—Casey D’Angelo
Secretary- Debi Zaft
Treasurer- Karen Ball
Director- Matthew Henry
Director- Shai Shamsavari
Director- Charles Howard Gibbons
Director- Julia Parranto
PLEASE NOTE: In-Person & Zoom meetings returned! Please register.
–> Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid. Use this link to pay. CLICK HERE!
Wednesday May 4th: Tech Talk & Nuclear Fusion
Wednesday May 11: Rotary Student Awards
Wednesday May 18: Rethinking logging in the Mendocino Preservation Forest
Wednesday May 25: An African Program
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
(none at this time)
Keep checking back. New socials coming soon!
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Watch The Meeting: Did you miss the meeting? Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click here for recording)
Please note it is only available to view until: 4/30/22
Opening Ceremonies:
After President Ray greeted us, Odalis Medianero led us in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Her Reflection was on “Is it the truth?” of our Four-Way Test. We have a gone through a lot over the past decade so let us take a deep breath. We have survived. She read a quote from the movie, “Black Panther,” “In times of crisis, the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.”
Sabra Locke, Curt Groninga, Kim Navarro, Jody Edwards. Sabra Locke and Curt Groninga have completed applications for membership.
Sunshine Report:
Robby Fouts wife, Delinda, had an aneurysm about two weeks ago. She is doing ok and is at California Pacific Medical Center for rehabilitation. Robby expects her to come home soon. He wanted us to know that we can count on him to be there for the Giro Bello!
Beginners luck! We had nine marbles in the bag and Sabra Locke pulled the blue marble! Even Ted Wilmsen has never had that kind of luck!
Women’s Recovery Services:
Jody Edwards came to pick up a donation for $3500 from us. WRS works with women facing addiction and helping them overcome their addictions. They are the only service where their children can be with them as they go through treatment. After recovery, they have transition housing and after care.
Ukraine Status:
The article in The Press Democrat has really resounded with our community. President Ray read a letter from one couple, Ron and Jackie Biden. We have wired $16,000 to Ukraine and have about $7890 more to wire.
SSU Rotaract:
The local Rotaract Club from SSU sent us a note of thanks for our support for their Day of Giving. They will be setting up collection barrels around the campus to collect socks, toiletries, blankets, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, etc for the unsheltered folks in Rohnert Park from April 18 – 22. They have a group going to the Houston Rotary Convention in June. They also said they would be happy to help us in anyway (did I hear Giro Bello?).
100 Anniversary Party:
It is fast approaching so Mark Burchill passed out the tickets to those who have bought already. Plenty of room for more! The menu is being upgraded due to the the expected lower turn out. He will be selling anniversary pins and shirts. Polo shirts are $37.00, dress shirts are $48.00, and sweaters are $54.00. All prices include shipping and sales tax plus $10.00 to go to covering the costs of the Anniversary Gala. The online store will be open until June 15, 2022. Clothing will be shipped within 30 days. To order go to
Mark also showed us the framed certificate from RI congratulating us on our 100 years. Lapel pins are coming soon.
Salvation Army Annual Civic Dinner:
Paul Hamilton announced this dinner which will be May 6, 2022. Guy Fieri and his wife, Lori, are the guests of honor. Contact Paul or Ryan Thomas to purchase tickets. For those who do not know, Guy Fieri was about to become a member of our club at the time he won the Next Network Food Star. His mentor, and club member, Jack Levar, encouraged him to try out for the show and become a club member. Well Guy won and the rest is history. Major Randy Hartt was on Zoom today and says that you can call him at (928) 920-4634 to buy tickets. He expects to start regularly attending our meetings next week. He has been busy with moving and getting settled into his new position at our Salvation Army.
Giro Bello Sponsorship Update:
Ann Gospe says that we are up to $20,000 in sponsorships! This is a good start, but we can all get more! Sponsors get recognition and free rides (the number depends on the size of the contribution). The sponsorship committee would like each member to solicit at least one bronze sponsorship per member.
Giro Bello Volunteers:
Karen Ball says there are still lots of slots that need help she has sent out the SignUp Genius again for you to volunteer.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation Update:
Sam McMillan, president of our local foundation, wanted us to know that two new trustees have joined the board: Mary Graves and Tony Roehrick. During this year they have funded just over $38,000 in scholarships. They have paid for the Third Grade Dictionary Project and helped almost 40 kids by an animal for the junior livestock auction.
Raffle #2:
We had wine to give away. Not the high-end stuff, but the middle of the road everyday kind of wine.
Pete Lescure paid $50.00 for six and Ted wilmsen paid $30.00 for three.
Julia Parranto took the family to Hawaii for spring break. She donated $100 for her and Rose to the Jameson Fund.
This week’s guest speaker, Kim Navarro on ice skating competitively and professionally:
Kim grew up on skates at Snoopy’s Home Ice. Her mom was a skating coach. She competed in both pairs and ice dancing. She gave up pairs because she did not like the lifts and the throws. About age 16 she needed a partner. There are far more women skaters than men, so it is difficult to find someone. She found a partner in Texas and moved there to skate and train. Leaving her family in Sonoma County was hard, but the goal was to skate and compete in the Nationals and the Olympics. At age 18 she needed a new partner and found one in New York. He was going to school to be a lawyer and she took advantage of her college years by attending Columbia University. Once he got his law degree, she needed a new partner and ended up in Philadelphia, PA. They finished fifth in the nation for ice dancing and just missed the 2006 Olympics. During
the next few years, she made it to fourth and third in the Nationals. She came close again in 2010 and just missed. At that point she decided it was time to go professional. She skated for several years and really enjoyed professional skating and the camaraderie with other skaters. She is now the skating director for Snoopy’s Ice Arena, a place where she once skated as Woodstock in the annual Christmas show. A question was asked about the Russian skater that was not expelled from the recent Winter Olympics. Kim says when she was skating drug testing could be done at anytime and anyplace. She had to be prepared for a test all the time. Another question was on the costumes. She says they can cost several thousands of dollars. She is responsible for her costumes. She remembers a competition where a skater’s costume did not arrive in time for him to compete. Another question about skaters that compete for other countries. Yes, they may not feel they are good enough for the USA team so they compete for another country where their family may have come from years ago. Last question was on where the judges come from. They are skating coaches and former skaters. It is all very political.
Additional Pictures
Governor, District 5130
Dustin Littlefield
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
President Elect, Kris Anderson
Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Club Director, Casey Carter
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe
DIGITAL EDITION No. 453 April 20, 2022 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick