Next meeting
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Negro League Baseball

Steve Taddei

Steve is a leader in the Bay Are Toastmasters community and has spoken extensively on a variety of topics.  His latest passion has him exploring the great teams and personalities of the Negro Baseball League.  He will be discussing how leadership lessons learned by those in the Negro League are still relevant today.


PLEASE NOTE: In-Person & Zoom meetings returned!  Please register.

–> Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid.  Use this link to payCLICK HERE!

Wednesday March 16: Public Health Awards
Wednesday March 23:  HICAP — the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program
Wednesday March 30:  Hole In The Head

Keep checking back.  New Programs coming soon!  Click here for the current calendar, subject to updates.

UPCOMING SOCIALS & PROJECTS  (Currently 3 Events Listed)

–> 100th Birthday Celebration (3/15/22):The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa turned 100 in December of last year and now its time to celebrate!  We are finally able to gather together for an in person celebration.

–> International Service Project (3/23-28/22):

–> Bowling Social (3/31/22):

Please see the attached updated flyer for our upcoming club bowling social.  The RSVP phone number was incorrect.  If you already sent your RSVP to that number, please resend it to 707-495-3239.

We have a guarantee of 16 slots with the potential of adding lanes if we have a robust response.  The sooner we get responses, the better.

Bowling Social Flyer

Keep checking back.  New socials coming soon!


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Watch The Meeting:  Did you miss the meeting?  Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click Here)
Please note it is only available to view until: 3/13/22

Opening Ceremonies:

After President Ray greeted us, Ryan Thomas led us in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. His Reflection were some quotes on peace; “Political leaders still think things can be done through force, but that cannot solve terrorism. Backwardness is the breeding ground of terror, and that we have to fight.” Mikhal Gorbachev

“On the day I became Soviet leader, in March 1985, I had a special meeting with the leaders of the Warsaw Pact countries and told them: “You are independent, and we are independent. You are responsible for your policies; we are responsible for ours. We will not intervene in your affairs, I promise you.”  Mikhal Gorbachev

“The world will not accept dictatorship or domination,” Mikhal Gorbachev

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep; I am afraid of an army led by a lion.” Alexander the Great


Honor Jackson, Emily Forceville, Odalis Medianero (application in.  Second posting to bulletin).

Sunshine report:

All is good


$77.00 in the pot and 6 marbles. Dan Balfe had the right ticket, but he did not pull the blue marble.


100 Birthday Bash:
100 Birthday Bash is Sunday May 15th at the Santa Rosa Golf and Country Club. Tickets are on sale now. Mark Burchill will have an online store to buy memorial pins and shirts soon.

We are finally going to have a Rotary Social at the Epicenter and go bowling. The date is March 31 from 6:00 to 7:00 bowling and 7:00 to 8:00 social with food and beverage.

Giro Bello:
We have over 100 riders signed up already! Ann Gospe has sponsorship packages available. Karen Ball will be the volunteer coordinator. Sign Up Genius should be ready soon.

Hop To It for Hunger:
Opened for selling the beer on February 26. You can buy up to 10 bags at a time. 36 bags have been sold thus far. Our goal is 150 bags. Please share our flyer with your friends and post on your social media.

New Member:
The Rotary Club Board of Directors has approved Odalis Medianero for membership.  Odalis is a financial planner with Merrill Lynch.  Her interests include environmental protection, women & children’s rights, and legislation.   Her sponsor is Julia Parranto.  Please reach out to Odalis and welcome her to our meetings.

Redwood Empire Food Bank:
Charlie Howard Gibbon says that we will be back helping at the Redwood Empire Food Bank on the second Wednesday of the month from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. Put that on your calendar to be there. Also, we will be doing a project at Art Start, Friday April 8 from 4:30 to 7:00 PM

World Community Service:
Carolyn Fassi was here to promote the World Community Service wine auction. Tickets are for sale now. Next week we will have a Paul Harris pool where someone will get an instant Paul Harris award.

Rotarian of the Month:
That would be Jeff Gospe! He has done a fabulous job as our meeting photographer.

Submitting articles of the website:
Pete Lescure is working with Richard Lazovick on improving our club website. They have created a form to submit club reports for the website. Once you have completed the form; attach relevant photos and send it to Julia Parranto. She will proofread before sending it on to Richard Lazovick for publishing on our website.

Paul Harris Fellows:

This week we honored Jeff Kolin and Tony Roehrick. Both are enrolled in Rotary Direct for $83.33 a month which gives them a new Paul Harris level each year. Thanks guys!

This week’s speaker is Honor Jackson, the Executive Director of Fence at the Top.

Honor was a football player for both the NY Giants and New England Patriots before a knee injury ended his football career. He became a store manager for Longs Drug Stores for many years, working for them for 30 years in 12 different stores. He started Fence at the Top in 2008 to mentor local kids. The name of the nonprofit came from his pastor saying, “We build a fence at the top of the hill vs. A hospital at the bottom of the hill.” The specialize in mentoring, tutoring and leadership skills in the 7–18-year-old age range. They do teach life skills, training, college tours, financial literacy, critical thinking, how to interview for a job, how to dress for a job interview, nutrition, physical fitness, teamwork and more. They go on field trips to colleges, sporting events, and theater; most improve their GPA by .50 to 1% percent in the first year. They do community service and serve in nursing homes. Their graduates go on to college and get degrees in a variety of fields. those who are not college bound will get help in getting jobs, like construction, that provides upward mobility and better pay. 20% will get a degree. 95% will at least go to the local junior colleges and are taught that you do not have to go to college to be successful. Fredrick Douglas said that once he learned how to read, he lived his life paying it forward. Everyone is born with talent, but not necessarily given the opportunity. The kids are referred to them from all over the county. 700 kids have passed through the program since 2008. For more information got to

Additional Pictures

Click image below flor slideshow of additional pictures.

Click on image to view slides of additional pictures

           Click on image to view slides of additional pictures


Governor, District 5130

Dustin Littlefield


Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

President Elect, Kris Anderson
Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Club Director, Casey Carter
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe

DIGITAL EDITION No. 446 March 2, 2022  EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick