DIGITAL EDITION No. 275 July 4, 2018 EDITOR: Misc PHOTOGRAPHER: n/a PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Club Was Dark July 4th !
Our Program For Wednesday, July 11, 2018
The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa:
Challenge and Opportunity
President Tony Roehrick
Synopsis: The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa finds itself in a similar situation as most clubs in the western world. Our challenges are to attract new and younger members, get our message and successes out to the greater community, and take care of our current members so their Rotary experience remains relevant and important in their lives. All challenges are really an opportunity waiting to be recognized. In addition to these global Rotary challenges, locally, we are also in the emerging stages of recovery from a significant natural disaster. This provides an opportunity for our local Rotary to emerge as a leader in the fire recovery efforts over the next five years. This week’s session will focus on where we are as a club in terms of membership and how we can position ourselves as a significant leader in fire recovery. This effort has the potential to bring in new members wanting to be a part of local service and cement their commitment to our community and Rotary.
Bio: Tony Roehrick is a career educator having been a teacher, principal, and superintendent over the past 30+ years. Tony’s education includes a BA in Photojournalism (yes, he started out as a journalist), two credentials for teaching and administration, a MA in Educational Administration, and a doctoral degree (Ed.D.) in Leadership Organization. He is married to Laura and has two daughters, Kaity Gonzalez and Tasha Lopez, and four grandchildren with one on the way.
Wednesday July 18, 2018: Rethinking Rebuilding the Homebound Way – Elena & Michael
Wednesday July 25, 2018: Community Awareness and Student Benefits – Annette O’Kelley
Wednesday August 1, 2018: Erin Brockovich – Still Fighting 22 Years Later (RSVP Only)
Wednesday August 8, 2018: Tony Roehrick – 1st Club Assembly
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
— There was no meeting July 4th.
— Mark you calendar now for the next designated Rotary Night Friday, August 3rd.
Please contact Jackie to RSVP so we can get all our tickets sitting together and plan a pre-show picnic at Jack London. Jackie has already reserved a picnic table for us. Shall We Dance is the third of four shows produced this summer. A group of us went together last year and had a great time. Petaluma Rotary has already booked a large group for August 3rd. Let’s not be out shown! This will be FUN!
Tim Fawcett Go Fund Me
“Tim Fawcett has been a member of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa for over 20 years and every year he has been the Club’s Santa for our annual Christmas party for children.
Last Christmas, Tim didn’t show up for the party and the club records found we only had a P.O. box address for him. After four to six hours a friend of Tim’s dropped by to find him latying on the ground as he had fallen off the roof onto his head. Tim spent the next month in Memorial Hospital at a cost of 1.3 million dollars. He had some insurance, but not nearly enough to cover this type of accident and care.
Tim now is living on $50.00 a week from the state. He has a home and two cars, but he cannot drive. It is a very slow recovery with no light at the end of the tunnel. He still has no sense of smell, taste and very little short term memory. He has no tv (and doesn’t want one), but has a radio, a computer and four walls.
Some club members are working on getting him federal disability, but it is a slow process. They are trying to keep him busy with walks, calls and visits. Last Sunday, they held a very successful picnic which Tim was able to attend. Between the club meeting and picnic, we were able to raise $2,000. A GoFundMe account has been set up in Tim’s name and currently, it has over $2,200 in deposits. To keep it going, a steady stream of contributions is needed. If you are able to help a fellow Rotarian, please go to”
Governor, District 5130
Bob Rogers, Rotary Club of Sebastopol
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Ray Giampaoli, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi, Laura Held, Peter Holewinski, Steve Baime and Jeff Kolin
We also have a new District Governor, Barbara Spangler, from the Valley of the Moon Rotary Club.
Dan Balfe