DIGITAL EDITION No. 268 May 16, 2018 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For Wednesday, May 23, 2018
The Mystery Of Chaco Canyon
Steve Marburger
We will examine the deep enigmas presented by the massive prehistoric remains found in Chaco Canyon in northwestern New Mexico. Between 850 and 1150 AD, the Chacoan people designed and constructed massive ceremonial buildings in a complex celestial pattern throughout a vast desert region. Aerial and time lapse footage, computer modeling, show how the Chacoan culture designed, oriented and located its major buildings in relationship to the sun and moon. Pueblo Indians, descendants of the Chacoan people, regard Chaco as a place where their ancestors lived in a sacred past. Pueblo leaders speak of the significance of Chaco to the Pueblo world today.
While the Chacoans left no written text to help us to understand their culture, their thoughts are preserved in the language of their architecture, roads and light markings. Landscape, directions, sun and moon, and movement of shadow and light were the materials used by the Chacoan architects and builders to express their knowledge of an order in the universe.
Wednesday May 30, 2018: Welcome to the Exponential Age – Colton Briner – Emerging technologies that will disrupt industries
Wednesday June 6, 2018: Legal Aid of Sonoma County – Ronit Rubinoff
Wednesday June 13, 2018: Executive Director Ben Stone – Economic Development Board
Wednesday June 20, 2018: Julia Parranto – President’s Year in Review
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Opening Ceremonies:
Carmen Sinigiani led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Doug Johnson’s refection was on “Contentment.” He quoted a couple of scriptures from the Bible: Proverbs 17:1 and 28:6 and Ecclesiastes 4:16. Former President Jose Guillen presided over today’s meeting in President Julia’s absence.
James Randolph, the owner of two Lou Saare Body Shops came to check us out today. He heard about our club from Chip Rawson when Chip did some painting for him! He said he googled Rotary Clubs in Santa Rosa and we came up first! Thank you to our tech gurus that make this happen! Our other visitor was Rio Ray from the Salvation Army. Rio has applied for membership and has been approved by the board of directors. Thank you Blaine Goodwin for introducing Rotary to Rio!
Visiting Rotarians:
Our only visitor today was Mikel Cook from the Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise. He came to be part of today’s presentation.
Sunshine Report:
Jack Abercrombie is home recovering. He could use a ride to appointments since his darling Pris does not drive. Call Pris if you can help. As for our other members….Rich de Lambert had hand surgery today and Tim Fawcett would like phone calls.
It was only $80.00, but that was OK with Doug Chase as he was the winner!
Prepay for Rotary Lunches and Save Money!
President Elect Tony presented a new way to pay for your lunches and maybe save you some money. Starting with the new fiscal year on July 1st, you can pay $276 up front for the quarter; that averages $23 per lunch vs. the current $27. Please see the flyer that was on the tables for details. It should be noted that this payment plan will be required for new members, but optional for current members. This has been very successful for other clubs. Click here for flyer.
Our District 5130 fire relief grant program has not only received the million dollars from the Redwood Credit Union fund, but also $105,000 from an individual from San Francisco. There are 25 applications in the pipeline. They fund will accept grant applications until they run out of money.
Carolyn Fassi announced a benefit potluck scheduled for Sunday, June 3rd at Jeff and Ann Gospe’s house to help Tim Fawcett with his medical bills. The cost will be $25.00. Details to follow. Click here or on picture to left to download the PDF.
We need a new chairperson for the birthday committee for 2018-2019. Please see Jeff Kolin if you can do the job. Jeff also announced that Giro Bello ridership is now at 450!
Jeff Gospe announced that our incoming exchange student is a male student from Java. His name is Artie and he will be arriving in August.
President Julia is gone one day, and we break out the recognitions! Past President Jose started it off by telling us about his vacation to Paris, Florence and Rome. Sadly, his dog passed away while he was gone (ever notice how our pets do that to us?) so he gave a donation in his dog’s memory. Tony Roehrick announce that his daughter from Encino is moving to Sonoma County! However, she and her family will be moving in with him! Bob Sorenson was pleased to announce that his grandson (Doug and Robbie Chase’s son) is graduating from Humboldt State. He was also happy to announce their daughter is getting married October 20th. Next up was Larry Miyano with a new grandson! Last, but never the least was Karen Ball saying that her husband, Dennis, will do anything for Jose. In other words, Dennis has agreed to drive SAG for the Giro Bello. Don’t we love our Rotary spouses?
Today’s Program: World Community Service. What Our Club is Doing to Benefit Our World
You have got to admit it; our World Community Service Committee is something we can be very proud. Peter Holewinski shows how $10,000 from our club can become $35,00 between district grants and Rotary International 1.5 times matching. The Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 5-6:00 pm. Please feel free to come check out a meeting. New members are always welcome.
Project Amigo is a program we have been involved with for about 30 years in Mexico. We help children afford junior high school, high school and college. Right now we are helping 74 kids in junior/senior high school and 34 at university.
Water Filters is another program we have in Mexico. 10 Rotary clubs with matching grants equal $98,000 to put together simple water filtration devices. That is at least 1000 filters per year and this grant will probably serve 2500 people just in the Puerto Vallarta area,
Senegal Cervical Cancer Screening is a project that Carolyn Fassi read about it the Rotarian Magazine and thought our club should get involved. Cervical cancer is the #1 cancer killer in Senegal. If the cancer is caught early, survival is very good. They hope to provide the HPV vaccination sometime in the future. Click here for flyer.
Project Peanut Butter has been a life saver in African nations were the children are starving to death. This special peanut butter is easy and inexpensive to produce and if given to the children early enough they have a 95% chance of surviving. Peanuts are easy to grow in Africa which makes this project so easy, so simple to say lives.
Telemedicine has been going on now for about 5 years. Rotary has 12 projects in 11 countries What this project does is to connect doctors and clinics with specialized medical knowledge around the world with the use of technology. Tablets cost about $2000 each. Laptops about $3500. Click here for flyer.
Rotary Rhine River Cruise August 19-26, 2019
So far 22 Rotarians from our club and friends have signed up for the Rotary cruise on AMA Kristina. There are cabins remaining. If you are interested in joining us, please book as soon as possible to get the best cabin category.
Click here to get more information on pricing, itinerary, etc. Printed fliers are also available at our meetings. The early booking discount deadline has been extended to May 31, 2018.
Governor, District 5130
Bob Rogers, Rotary Club of Sebastopol
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Ray Giampaoli, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi, Laura Held, Peter Holewinski, Steve Baime and Jeff Kolin